White Papers

E-book: Principles of data wrangling

Through the last decades of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first, data was largely a medium for bottom-line accounting: making sure that the books were balanced, the rules were followed, and the right numbers could be rolled up for executive decision-making. Attitudes toward data have changed radically in the past decade, as new people, […]

White paper: From traditional bank to marketplace bank

Many industries have already been technologically disrupted. Financial services and banking won’t be any different. New digital banking platforms will emerge with an automated, compliant core and a connection layer for all kinds of third party services to tap into. This is API banking, or marketplace banking.

E-book: Top 5 challenges of digital transformation and how to tackle them

Get practical advice for overcoming the top 5 challenges of digital transformation, revealed by research in over 1000 enterprises around the globe. Are you struggling with inflexible legacy technologies? Or a lack of collaboration between business and IT teams? You’ll find the answers here. Download your copy of the Bizagi e-book to see: The 5 most […]

White paper: in-memory computing – now and tomorrow

As businesses cope with an explosion of data and users who expect real-time insights, many have turned toward in-memory computing solutions. As a result, in-memory computing platforms are becoming key infrastructure components for a growing number of organisations.

White paper: digital trust is transforming online and mobile banking

Banks are beginning to re-align their internal processes and external-facing products to take advantage of, and more fully realize, the potential of digital transformation. One of the biggest challenges they come up against in this pursuit is how to balance customer experience and security. In other words, implementing a framework that accounts for all the […]

Regtech Supplier Performance Report: ignorance is no longer bliss, it’s now criminal offence

The second edition of Regtech Supplier Performance Report, featuring some 50 regtech suppliers, published by Market Fintech Limited and supported by Banking Technology, says that with over 50,000 regulatory documents published across the G20 since 2009, and an average of 45 new documents every week, we must assume that the future of banking will be driven by technological developments.

Financial Stability Board muses implications from fintech

Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system, has issued a report analysing the potential financial stability implications from fintech.

White paper: choosing the right in-memory computing solution

As in-memory computing (IMC) gains momentum across a wide range of applications, from fintech and ecommerce to telecommunications and internet of things (IoT), many companies are looking to IMC solutions to help them process and analyse large amounts of data in real time.

White paper: break filter bubbles in banking enterprise fraud management

Synthesise holistic wisdom from core systems and not just from channel silos. From depth of analysis, ease of configuration/implementation and cross-channel fraud detection to insider fraud detection and real-time high availability, a synchronised enterprise fraud risk management approach delivers five compelling advantages over a delivery channel silos only approach.

E-book: Regulatory compliance for banks – using data to unblock the road ahead

Your bank faces more competitive pressures than ever before. Regulations nowadays regularly cost financial institutions billions. You know this. What may be unclear is how IT can help, not hinder, your competitive position. As data becomes the roadblock for compliance, so too it can become your competitive advantage. The latest techniques for handling compliance processes […]

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