
Italian Financial Police round up money-laundering gang

The Italian Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza), supported by Europol, arrested 10 members of a transnational criminal group yesterday. The criminals, mainly Nigerian citizens, were involved in laundering the proceeds of online fraud, amounting to more than €2.5 million.

‘Hound of Hounslow’ highlights need for surveillance says Nasdaq

As greater convergence between asset classes and the unification of trading desks and trading strategies across multiple asset classes becomes more common, the opportunities for sophisticated market abuse may be on the rise. That may mean that the need for surveillance is greater than ever, according to Tony Sio, head of SmartsTrade Surveillance, exchange and regulators at Nasdaq.

MasterCard Buys Software Analytics Firm (April 28, 2015)

MasterCard is paying $600 million to acquire Applied Predictive Technologies, a maker of analytics software to help companies tailor investments and calibrate pricing, marketing and merchandising of products. A key asset the new company provides is its “Test & Learn” platform, which will help MasterCard’s clients make more informed decisions to stay competitive, according to […]

Chase Pulling Out of International Commercial Card Biz (April 28, 2015)

JPMorgan Chase will exit the international commercial card issuing business by the end of this year, but it will continue supporting North American card programs and investing in purchasing cards and single-use accounts, such as virtual cards, as well as other products, a spokesperson for J.P. Morgan’s commercial card business tells Paybefore.

Processor Guidance Important to FI EMV Migration (April 27, 2015)

The Oct. 1, 2015, date for EMV compliance, when liability for counterfeit card transactions at the POS shifts to parties that haven’t adopted the chip card standard, is less than six months away and many financial institutions are finding the effort daunting, according to a study by Fiserv Inc.

Apple Bumps Up Capitol Hill Lobbying Expenses (April 27, 2015)

Apple Inc. is spending more time on Capitol Hill meeting with lawmakers on topics that include mobile payments, new lobbying expense data suggest. During the first three months of this year, Apple’s expenses for lobbying rose 16 percent compared with the same period a year ago.

OMG addresses data sovereignty issues in the cloud

The Object Management Group has formed a new working group to study issues of documenting and controlling data across distributed cloud environments, a big inhibitor of cloud for those with strict data sovereignty requirements such as banks and financial services firms.

Cerutti steps down at Euronext

Euronext has announced that its chief executive Dominique Cerutti will step down in July to become chairman and chief executive at advanced engineering group Altran.

Cachet Targets Millennials with Apple Watch (April 21, 2015)

Attracting millennials requires a better banking experience and Apple Watch may hold the key, according to Minneapolis-based mobile money technology provider Cachet Financial Solutions, which today announced its prepaid mobile platform supports Apple Watch.

US EMV roll-up will see migration of fraud to other channels

The growing use of chip cards – EMV for the cognoscenti – will spur criminals to try new directions in fraud, Al Pascual, practice leader at Javelin Strategy, told delegates at the Nacha Payments 2015 conference in New Orleans. But it will take a little time because criminals have established modus operandi and it takes them time to move from one practice to another.

Volante lays Foundation for faster payment systems integration

Financial messaging and data integration specialist Volante Technologies has taken a step into the world of packaged products with the launch of VolPay Foundation, a development platform “designed to ease the challenges of payment integration and payment processing projects”.

NCR offers cloud control for Android-based ATMs

NCR has announced a radical new approach to ATM network deployment, with cloud-based enterprise application allowing banks to control and manage thin-client devices running a locked-down version of the Android operating system.