
Fintech funding round-up: 27 October 2017

Just when you thought there couldn’t be more; the latest stories from the fintech funding world returns for another round. Features Constellation, Credit Sesame and Jirnexu.

Map: fintech landscape

A very detailed map of the current fintech landscape, produced by VentureBeat, listing hundreds of companies in the banking, payments, investments, financing, insurance, infrastructure and enabling technologies verticals.

E-book: How Digital Lenders Can Win the Fight Against Fraud

Ready for the truth about fighting fraud? It’s not as futile as you might think. Yes, fraud is hitting digital lenders of all sizes… Pretty sizably. But recent research shows that with the right approach, it is possible to stop the bad guys and stem the losses—without slowing opportunity. Secrets of Success: How Digital Lenders […]

Crime thriller: Trading Down, by Stephen Norman

A sneak preview of a debut novel by Stephen Norman, long serving CIO/CTO of RBS Global Markets and previously Merrill Lynch. A fast-paced crime thriller – published on 9 November 2017.

MapD partners with IBM Power Systems

Analytics platform MapD has partnered with IBM Power Systems to enhance its analytical performance. California-based MapD has optimised its MapD Core database and MapD Immersive visual analytics client to take advantage of IBM Power Systems to target the speed at which SQL queries can be performed.

Mastercard takes blockchain mainstream with API

Mastercard announced it has tested and validated its blockchain and will be opening access to it via a set of three APIs published on the Mastercard Developers website. The APIs include the blockchain core API, the smart contracts API, and the fast pay network API.

Roostify launches decision builder

Decision Builder, the latest solution from mortgage tech innovator Roostify, will give lenders the ability to provide loan applications with a clear, easy-to-understand view of all the borrower’s loan options – based on the lender’s actual product and pricing system.

EFL merges with Lenddo

Psychometric credit scoring company Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL) has merged with alternative credit score provider Lenddo.

Daily News at Sibos 2017 – Day 4

Read our fourth and final Daily News at Sibos edition of the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto – all the latest news and analysis from Swift’s premier event of the year. Free to read online or pick up a complimentary print copy if you are at Sibos!

Sibos 2017: treasurers look to tech to untangle knots

Untangling the “knots” at global treasuries, especially with regard to bank maintenance issues around know your customer (KYC) and other compliance activities, was the theme of a corporate treasury session yesterday (18 October) at Sibos.

SmartContract unveils PoC

SmartContract, which enables computable smart contracts, has unveiled a new a proof of concept (PoC) for making/using smart contracts with Swift.

Sibos 2017: the future of money

What’s more valuable today, data or money? Today’s “The Future of Money” discussion at Sibos had “the new oil” – data – firmly in its sights.

Sibos 2017: embrace the change or get out of the way!

At today’s (18 October) panel discussion at Sibos, user experience (UX) and organisational culture were put to the fore. What does it take to create a simple yet meaningful UX? And what role does an organisational culture play in it?

Sberbank and Swift sign memorandum of co-operation for product push

Sberbank and Swift have signed a memorandum of co-operation regarding the development and piloting of products created and promoted by Swift. With fintech hugs sweeping Sibos and the planet, the parties agreed to co-ordinate steps to assess the potential application of blockchain in interbank settlement platforms. In particular, Sberbank joined the international group of financial […]

JP Morgan’s Quorum blockchain powers new correspondent banking network

JP Morgan, and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), have launched the Interbank Information Network (IIN) – using blockchain for the payments process. According to JP Morgan, processing global payments is very complex. Multiple layers of communication occur amongst payment participants to verify and process transactions. By using […]

Credit Suisse strengthens SmartStream deal for derivatives brokerage fees

SmartStream Technologies, the financial transaction lifecycle management (TLM) solutions provider, has revealed that its original agreement with Credit Suisse was recently expanded to include the processing of listed derivatives brokerage fees which began in February of this year.

Sibos 2017: web’s future “in the balance”

The cross-border, centralised nature of the world wide web is “absolutely in the balance” right now, warned Sir Tim Berners-Lee, its inventor, yesterday (17 October) at the Sibos conference in Toronto.

Low cost correspondent Swift access

Swift has launched Correspondent Banking Suite, a solution targeting small to medium sized correspondent banks that are seeking cost-effective access to the Swift network.