Banks need a single brain
Every bank needs a single brain to anticipate the needs, wants and quirks of every customer.
Every bank needs a single brain to anticipate the needs, wants and quirks of every customer.
BigTech companies excel at giving customers what they want.
Why everyone’s talking about cloud-based platform architecture.
When it comes to digital adoption, the regulator has been the biggest driver of change in the more mature markets.
Businesses that make the leap from operational to analytical are ones that understand the value of data.
Banks can use data to stand out from the competition and fortify their position.
Do everything in your power to minimise the avoidable mistakes and the impact of the less exciting omissions.
From moving away from cash to points of sale and self-checkout on mobile.
This math is at the root of a very basic truth: opportunity is not distributed equally in America.
For a bank to engage with a customer, they need to go beyond the initial request.
Having walked in each other’s shoes you are both a little better at your job now.
If they don’t believe they are part of the problem, nothing will really change.
From Wirecard and Enron to Bernie Madoff and Parmalat.
Careers and lives barely work to plan. Even if you have one.
How are banks prepared to promote financial literacy for millennials and especially Gen Z?
Can today’s PKI encryption techniques fill the promise of inherently secure data?
It’s a case of ramping up the automated underwriting footprint for the most simple, homogenous policies.
Optimism might get you out of your chair and striving for a better tomorrow, but it isn’t optimism that gets you there.
Businesses across all industry sectors will face three stages over the coming months.
Failure to adapt won’t just impact your existing client base’s investments.
Most business-facing fintech tools have adopted usability conventions from consumer-facing apps.
Modern data-enabled systems and processes are the key to staying competitive.
Projects that would normally take months need to be delivered in days.
This LIBOR solution replaces an army of paralegals with technology able to extract information from a 200-page document and over 140 various data points.
Customers want fund managers to do the work for them.
This is the time to handle the pressure, not indulge in the stress.
Most financial services firms have a cloud journey roadmap.
Identity verification serves many benefits to organisations seeking to build trust in their online channels.
A number of onboarding steps can be automated, streamlined and simplified to deliver a better customer experience.
The maturing RTP infrastructure is a catalyst for wider payments transformation initiatives.
Everything we do in business is in pursuit of relevance.
Practical steps to establish and maintain a successful cloud financial management (CFM) strategy.
My frustration with organisations big and small “living in the passive voice” is not new.
Why companies that have nothing to do with finance will get into financial services.
Can we leverage AI to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of adverse media screening?
Let’s take a look at what IT staff can do during this time of crisis.
For the extroverts of all hues, ethnicities, sexualities, identities and faiths, check on your introverted friends.
Blockchain and other DLT secure data by making it immutable.
Banks must be prepared to perform deep due diligence on their credit lines and loan books.
They’re also intrinsically linked to the powerful notions of freedom and the American Dream.