
What is the future of digital cash?

The recent World Economic Forum (WED) report “Sweden could stop using cash by 2023”, says that the country is moving towards favouring cards and mobile payment apps. Yet retailers are expected to accept cash for at least a couple of years afterwards.

Debunking six myths on regulatory sandboxes

We are living through a period of unprecedented innovation in finance, and regulators know they need to adapt to keep up with the fast pace of change. To understand and manage the risks posed by new products, services, and business models, many financial authorities are setting up regulatory sandboxes or reglabs.

What a Swell Sibos we had

One of the more entertaining aspects of this year’s Sibos in Toronto was the continuation of the rivalry between the event’s host, Swift, and distributed ledger technology (DLT) firm Ripple.

A new edge for fintech centres in a post-Brexit world

The uncertainty produced by the Brexit vote – and the turbulent negotiations since – has led some to question whether the UK can maintain its status as a global fintech capital. But for London as much as for its rivals in the US, China and beyond, the key may lie in capitalising on the next competitive edge for fintech centres.

Why blockchain won’t fix payments

There is a misconception about blockchain in the industry surrounding the belief that it is a solution to making faster and securer payments. There are some issues around the blockchain that explain why, in its present form, it isn’t an ideal replacement.

Corporate banking: clear sky thinking

Swift’s global payments innovation (gpi) has taken giant steps towards solving many of the challenges corporates have faced with cross-border payments.

Blockchain: a world of possibilities

Amid the hype around distributed ledger technology and blockchain it can seem they are technologies looking for solutions. In the heavily paper-based business of trade finance, such technology looks promising and progress is being made elsewhere.

Correspondent banking: it takes two to tango

The global correspondent banking network is under pressure in several countries as some financial institutions close relationships. While financial inclusion continues to climb the agenda of regulatory authorities and financial institutions pledge their support, the de-risking taking place in correspondent banking threatens to scupper inclusion.

Compliance: back to basics

Ensuring security on Swift’s network doesn’t have to be rocket science. Getting the basics right will help individual institutions and Swift’s community.

De-risking in trade finance: time to act

As financial authorities express concern about de-risking in correspondent banking, a similar phenomenon is emerging in trade finance, driven by the high costs of KYC compliance.

Regtech to the rescue

Regulatory technology (regtech) is often cited as the answer to the rising cost of compliance, risk and reporting duties at banks. Will it help financial institutions escape IT silos and enhance control over data?

Real-time payments: forging path to the “new normal”

Escalating customer expectations, regulatory requirements and technological developments are fuelling the need for instant payments. Market providers agree that real-time payments will be the “new normal” and, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

Liquidity management: real-time nostro time?

As part of its global payments innovation initiative, Swift and a group of banks have been trialling distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the reconciliation of nostro databases in real-time.

Cybersecurity: into the data breach

Cybersecurity has become a significant issue as attacks are increasing. In the new payments ecosystem, where third-party developers can directly interact with banks’ customers, data privacy and security become paramount, according to the World Payments Report 2017.

The modern trade landscape: banks and digitalisation

Innovative technologies are increasingly sparking enhancements to trade processes. BNY Mellon Treasury Services’ Dominic Broom, global head of trade business development, and Joon Kim, head of global trade product, discuss how the industry – with banks at the helm – can drive forward new capabilities and help to support trade growth through digitalisation.

Payments: I spy gpi

Much of the focus for correspondent bankers at this year’s Sibos will again be Swift’s global payments innovation (gpi) initiative. More than 110 transactions banks from Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Americas have signed up to the initiative, which opened for live payments in January 2017.

Innovators’ Spotlight: SPENT Money

Rather than being top of wallet, SPENT Money wants to help consumers manage and earn rewards from what’s already there—at least for now.

U.K. to Get New Payment Systems Operator by Year’s End

Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) and Bank of England have revealed that the U.K. will be getting the New Payment Systems Operator by the end of 2017, which the PSR says will be an important step in streamlining the U.K.’s payment systems and fostering competition and innovation.

What You Need to Know about Pa.’s Money Transmitter License Changes

The introduction of new bond requirements for money transmitters in Pennsylvania is in line with an overall trend across states to enforce stricter conditions on money transmitter license holders and applicants. See what the licensing requirements mean for your business.

Payments: where have all the correspondents gone?

At the recent G20 meeting in Germany, Financial Stability Board (FSB) briefed leaders on its efforts to arrest the decline in correspondent banking relationships. FSB also presented the results of a survey of more than 300 banks in 50 countries, supplemented by Swift payments data, which showed that the number of correspondent banking relationships continues to decline globally.

The future of cross-currency payments

The landscape of cross-currency (FX) payments is taking on a whole new look – creating challenges for corporate financial managers and the need for new banking solutions.

Five solutions for the challenges women face in tech today

In the most recent InsurTech Bytes podcast, Sarah Greasley, CTO, Direct Line Group, opened up about her experience as a woman in fintech, the challenges and the solutions. FinTech Futures (Banking Technology’s sister company) uncovered the solutions for five of the key hurdles in her career. 1: Entrepreneurship and empowering risk taking Challenge: From a […]

Blockchain Roundup: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Nations, platforms and some bad news in our latest blockchain and bitcoin roundup. Find out more about the SEC’S suspension of First Bitcoin Capital Corp., an initial coin offering for cryptocurrency exchange platform KyberNetwork and more.

Simplify Back-to-School Season with E-Payments

Prepaid cards and alias-based payments that rely on email or mobile phone numbers can offer students and colleges and universities significant benefits over traditional check disbursement of financial aid.

Consumers Union Calls for More Prepaid Regs; NAFCU Wants Them Rescinded

Plagued by delays, threatened by Congressional repeal and finally opened to further comment and changes, the CFPB’s final rule on prepaid accounts now has consumer groups calling for the bureau to “strengthen” consumer protections while a credit union trade group wants the rule rescinded.

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