Real-time payments: the next big thing in US banking
RTP promises to be the biggest change in US payments since the 1970s.
RTP promises to be the biggest change in US payments since the 1970s.
There are three types of meetings in the world.
In the field of small business loans, PayPal is certainly changing the traditional paradigm.
It’s surprising how many FIs are still resistant to the changes that are revolutionising their industry.
The IBAN capability BaaS platforms will become the key driver of flexibility and growth.
Condensing six fintech events down into a handful of concrete takeaways.
A three-level structure: humans at the top, AI at the bottom, an automated decision support system in the middle.
The “invisible” nature of online transactions give pause for thought.
What’s diversity good for? Everything.
Private equity is uniquely positioned as cybersecurity presents both a threat and an opportunity.
Digital transformation must be a far-reaching and whole-hearted undertaking.
Frankly, the time to act is now.
Stay diligent, keep updated, and safe surfing.
What factors need to be considered to create powerful digital self-service apps and similar differentiators?
You can be anything. But it will get messy.
The crypto boom, bubble, revolution… what to actually expect from cryptocurrency moving into 2019?
What does agility actually mean in practice for the post-trade market?
The cost of data redundancy is expected to be $3.3 trillion in 2020.
A change in culture and attitude should be part of a holistic strategy for open banking.
E-Sign can save you the cost of many hundreds of thousands of first-class mail stamps.
Open banking means different things to different CEOs.
Play something that you care to win with people who are playing the same game.
Business as usual is no longer an option. You can bank on that.
This network does not use distributed ledger tech, but relies on CGI’s SaaS platform.
If data really is the new oil, where is the pipeline flowing?
Just passing laws will not work to control fintech. Regulators will have to be much more pro-active.
Stay focused on the business and don’t become too attached to the wallpaper.
Offering a competitive operating cost environment and one of the easiest to navigate for regulations.
Is the relationship – or lack of one – between GDPR and blockchain something of concern?
Rebranding is a self-discovery and reflection process, and as much about the journey as the destination.
Most banks require a digital strategy wherein the websites are turned into a proper sales machine.
Be the person people will call to join on their journey.
Emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionise existing processes.
Proposing a framework for making valuation adjustments in fintech M&As deals.
We lament “legacy”, we talk about it, we blame it. But we rarely define it because we have no intention of tackling it.
Insurers and start-ups have to work together to make the most of the growing cyber market.
The only benefit I can see from this invention is that the hype around it has encouraged folks to think out of the box.
Open Banking benefits for corporate clients, PSD2 and future trends in finance industry.
TLM Aurora, challenges with Open Banking, the potential of data and the biggest issues facing fintech.
How to mitigate real-time payment risk and successfully defeat network-level fraud.