Open banking: where you at?
There is still more to do, a lot more, and it heavily relies on banks’ cooperation.
There is still more to do, a lot more, and it heavily relies on banks’ cooperation.
Identity verification serves many benefits to organisations seeking to build trust in their online channels.
A number of onboarding steps can be automated, streamlined and simplified to deliver a better customer experience.
The maturing RTP infrastructure is a catalyst for wider payments transformation initiatives.
Everything we do in business is in pursuit of relevance.
How NIIT Technologies is supporting businesses grappling with LIBOR transition.
FinTech Futures speaks to Rajashekara V. Maiya at Infosys Finacle about open banking.
Practical steps to establish and maintain a successful cloud financial management (CFM) strategy.
My frustration with organisations big and small “living in the passive voice” is not new.
Volante, HSBC and Deutsche Bank, share their insights on a recent webinar regarding Swift gpi.
Why companies that have nothing to do with finance will get into financial services.
Can we leverage AI to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of adverse media screening?
Let’s take a look at what IT staff can do during this time of crisis.
A guide to navigating technology challenges while avoiding common, costly pitfalls.
For the extroverts of all hues, ethnicities, sexualities, identities and faiths, check on your introverted friends.
Blockchain and other DLT secure data by making it immutable.
Banks must be prepared to perform deep due diligence on their credit lines and loan books.
The start-up is planning to set up shop in Los Angeles.
They’re also intrinsically linked to the powerful notions of freedom and the American Dream.
What can fintech firms do to ride out the storm?
If you want something done in a bank you don’t need friends in high places. You need friends in low places.
What does the future of reconciliation look like?
Business model, agile organisation, ubiquitous automation, technology modernisation, and culture and workforce transformation.
COVID-19 has already led to a shift in mindset for many businesses.
Data sharing enables banks to more effectively serve customers across the lifecycle.
I would actually like to see governments take a more holistic look at how they’re fighting COVID-19.
A lot of claim processing, across all product lines, is carried out manually.
Why do all these dreamers and makers and poets work in banking transformation?
Dell Technologies and World Wide Technology discuss the technology challenges facing FIs.
To develop industry standards, four things need to happen.
It’s therefore important for banks to make sure they are dealing with legitimate and regulated TPPs.
The pending takeover of Emailage by LexisNexis “kind of dominates the news”, says EMEA MD.
Some say slow progress of blockchain adoption is not just because of regulatory hurdles.
I don’t know how to not care.
Merchants need to make sure they have implemented support for EMV 3DS.
Fintechs could, in principle, fill the void left by the large incumbents.
FinTech Futures sat with Douglas Greenwell, reconciliation expert at Duco.
The tax problems with this proposal identified in our client briefing on Libra 1.0 remain unresolved.
Is it all just reactionary, rather than calmly taking a longer-term view?
The separation of customer management from product management has very strong advantages.