A banker goes a-banking, volume 7: why can’t we be friends?
What 15 years of digitisation & modernisation have gotten us from the consumer’s point of view? It’s not looking great.
What 15 years of digitisation & modernisation have gotten us from the consumer’s point of view? It’s not looking great.
Choosing a partner to move forward with can be difficult.
How should banks provide consumers with what they need and can afford?
Can you enforce such clauses in a post-pandemic world – and should you?
The current cyber threat landscape, authentication methods and how the industry continues to fight back.
Instant access by gig workers to their pay will create a healthier and more sustainable gig economy in the long-term.
The global market is predicted to grow at a rate of 25% annually – plenty of opportunities for job seekers!
We are trying to pay lip service to wholesale dramatic change but get away with cosmetic modifications.
The global head of Willis Towers Watson Reinsurance Tech anticipates a rocky road ahead for insurtech.
Williams likens it to the “Russian doll effect”.
Deserving families have continued to be unfairly excluded from government relief throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Is it time that we jumped from the app bandwagon?
Many banks have started formulating an action plan and framework to drive this initiative within their organisation.
If the art of the possible is being explored, the art of the valuable remains elusive.
The current crisis highlights the urgent action required for businesses to upgrade to digital platforms.
FinTech Futures took this somber moment to sit with Keisha Bell at DTCC.
A flexible approach is needed to ensure newly digital customers aren’t frustrated.
“Once you strip back a lot of the functionality in retail banking it’s more about experience than solving issues.”
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I see growing companies. I see ambitious professionals. I see evolving stories.
Anders la Cour, co-founder and CEO of Banking Circle, examines the lessons of 2020.
Almost a third of consumers find the idea of banking with a Big Tech appealing.
“There is a long-term value proposition in re-authentication,” says CRO.
To gain the agility to compete in the modern banking environment, build and invest with the cloud in mind.
The plethora of digital engagement platforms out there are really just very basic gamification platforms.
It’s time for the banks to work together to standardise their onboarding processes and documentation for fintechs.
The more intelligent collections virtual agents are, the more positive an impact they can have.
“Many founders enter the mindset that an hour lost is an hour gained by the competition”.
More than ever, fintech leaders need better ways to secure systems.
It’s safe to assume that in time, every business and consumer will expect immediate settlement as a norm.
Changes could be needed on both sides to prevent another FinCEN Files.
“Where do I begin?” If you have ever asked me, you know my answer is always the same: in the middle.
Wealth managers now have access to more tools than ever to digitise processes.
How to protect the distinctive brand values that set you apart from the competition.
The pressure on merchants is immense to serve each individual consumer in the best possible way.
It is estimated that global public cloud revenues will grow by about 17% this year.
I’m just saying there is an opportunity to learn how to “gamify” banking today.
Principles are the sort of substance that doesn’t bend under pressure.
It essentially turns the company into a challenger bank, even if the company has no ties to banking.
“This is an everyday account, we don’t want you to risk your money,” says CEO.