
Webinar: The Role of E-Signatures in Your Digital Strategy

Modern organizations know that eliminating the inefficiencies of paper processes is key to improving customer experience and achieving operational excellence. End-to-end digital processes make it possible for customers, employees and partners to do business from anywhere, anytime on any device. E-signatures are a key component of any enterprise digital strategy because without, processes will still […]

White paper: How do you influence fintech buyers?

Too many vendors are marketing “blind”. What’s missing is quantitative data on how decision makers at financial institutions identify and select technology vendors. Understanding buyers’ influences is critical in helping develop marketing and communications programmes that ultimately help vendors to sell. B2B technology PR consultancy CCgroup partnered with MRops to interview senior decision makers from […]

BATS trading errors highlight perils of technology arms race

US exchange operator BATS Global Markets’ revelation earlier this week that it may have accidentally breached best execution regulation on thousands of client transactions over a four-year period has been criticised by senior buy-side traders, who have expressed disappointment at the failure of exchanges to serve long-term investors.