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Inter-American Development Bank ponders tech overhaul

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is looking for a new back office system, Banking Technology understands. The bank is a long-standing customer of Misys. It has been using its Opics treasury and capital markets (TCM) system for many years, and in 2014 it also signed for Summit, another back office system from Misys’ portfolio of TCM […]

The United Bank of Egypt upgrades core software with Misys

A long-standing user of a host of Misys’ products, The United Bank of Egypt has committed to upgrade to the latest version of software. The project is penned for completion later this year. The bank will upgrade to FusionBanking Equation (core system), FusionBanking Trade Innovation (trade finance) and FusionCapital Opics (treasury and capital markets). It […]