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Q&A with Michael Parlotto, InComm

Michael Parlotto, VP, Emerging Technologies, InComm, gives the lowdown to Paybefore on the evolution of prepaid and what the future might hold for the industry.

Univision Mastercard Prepaid Card Hits Walmart Shelves

Univision Mastercard Prepaid Card is now available in approximately 300 Walmart stores in California, Texas and Florida. The move is part of the brand’s continued expansion into retail spaces in prominently Hispanic regions.

InComm expands transit business

InComm, a prepaid and payments technology company, continues to expand its tolling and transit payments business nationwide with the launch of the RiverLink Starter Kit.

InComm to buy Serve platform, become exclusive Amex prepaid distributor

American Express and InComm have entered into an agreement for InComm to acquire the exclusive distribution rights of Amex’s prepaid reloadable and gift card products in the US, including Bluebird and Serve. InComm also will acquire the Serve technology platform and other assets related to the American Express prepaid reloadable and gift card products business. […]

Amazon Enables Cash Account Loads via Retail Locations

In a bid to reach unbanked consumers as well as those who prefer cash, Amazon has debuted a new service that enables consumers to load cash to Amazon accounts at U.S. brick-and-mortar merchant locations and then use those funds to make online purchases through Amazon.