
So what?

Financial services exists to serve. And that means that when we are not of service, we are just in the way.

The great perhaps

This year, we should have the courage to move away from what we’ve always known to really push what is possible.

Carbon as a currency

Linking currency to carbon could open the door to a better and more sustainable economy.

But I don’t like strawberries

You shouldn’t always accept the premise of a question. Especially if it’s evidently not itself premised on fact.

I am an immigrant

I was asked recently in an interview what I mean when I describe myself as an immigrant. Let’s discuss.

In your own time

If you think you can dictate timings for the business you are in, think again.

What happens next?

The deal is: you can moan and rant and vent as much as you want. Provided you do something next.

Impostor syndrome lite

The world is not divided between those with self-doubt and self-assurance. But if it was, I would pick the doubters any day.

Open banking’s failure

The impact of open banking is on the scale of the industrial revolution. It just needs time to fully play out.

Banking for mental health

For traditional banks, there is clearly more that can be done to help those suffering from mental health issues.

If I had a penny…

If we’re going to talk about inclusion, don’t talk to me about current accounts. Talk to me about money.

Eat your vegetables

Everyone wants to do the parts of their job they like and avoid the parts they don’t like. But the job is the job.

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