
The prophet

Staying teachable is the biggest skill you can retain for the years ahead.

War fries

It’s Pride, folks, and both allyship and snacks matter. Snacks for the fun times. Allyship for the battles.

The only kind of time

Ultimately, what we choose to do with the time we are given is the full story.

The enemy within

The world is not being eaten. It’s your margin that’s being devoured. And there’s no-one to blame but yourself.

Banking on data

As a coder, I always thought that software was key, but I soon realised the value was really in the data.

Memo to self

Having choices is of no value whatsoever unless you make choices.

How long is a week?

A week is exactly as long as your own goodwill towards your colleagues and theirs back to you.

Between us girls

Diversity is not a concession. Be mindful of your language and your actions.

State of play: European fintech

The recent FinovateEurope conference featured a number of key discussions on the European financial services sector.

A day at the circus

The last few years have shown us that the arrogant, ‘I will take over the world’ founder… didn’t.

How to be human

The things you know are important really are. So don’t forget to do the right thing. And for the rest: be human.

The B-word

I have never known a technology to divide opinion as much as blockchain.

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