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Fintech funding round-up: 13 September 2017

Quickly following on from the fintech funding round-up on 11 September, here’s more action in a concise form. Features InfoSum, Neyber, Goldman Sachs, Forward Partners and BlackRock. Data tech start-up InfoSum has added $5 million to its seed funding, taking the total raised to date to $8 million. Joining existing investors Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures) […]

Fintech funding round-up: 21 June 2017

Some people have got deep pockets, because the funding fun never ends. Our latest round-up features Soldo, Atom Bank, British Business Bank, BlackRock and Scalable Capital. Multi-user spending account, Soldo, has reported a Series A funding round of $11 million, led by Accel and includes participation from Connect Ventures, InReach Ventures, U-Start and R204 Partners. […]

Blackrock testing Symphony’s new financial messaging app

Asset management firm Blackrock is trialling Symphony’s new financial messaging app. The app is being tested by part of Blackrock’s workforce and it is “looking to roll it out more widely in the coming months”. Blackrock is a major name to come onboard and the firm has 13,000 employees. However, Symphony has had success before […]