
The Theory of Everything – and TCA

In the Oscar-winning film The Theory of Everything the lead character Stephen Hawking lays out his vision of a single equation that explains all physical aspects of the universe. This rarefied scientific debate has echoes in the more prosaic world of Transaction Cost Analysis in financial markets, where the availability of more granular data coupled with pressure from regulators is driving a whole new wave of research and analysis, says ITG’s Michael Sparkes.

FCA approval takes Bloomberg into European trade reporting space

Continuing its policy of offering products that fit across user workflows, Bloomberg has moved in to the transaction reporting space in Europe. The company’s Trade Order Management System has been granted approval by the Financial Conduct Authority to report securities with an ISIN and OTC derivatives as part of the UK’s Approved Reporting Mechanisms regime.

The evolving relationship between banks and IT suppliers

Customers are looking for organisations that care about their needs in a way that is personalised, responsible, transparent and – of course – secure. In recognising this, banks are stepping up to the challenge and just as technology is at the heart of this business, so their relationship with IT suppliers is a key component of this value shift.

APEX Preview: How Washington Views Bells, Whistles and Horns

Prepaid may be a more expensive business to enter—as compliance costs increase and margins thin—but that doesn’t mean the entrepreneurialism and innovation that birthed the industry are finished. A panel at All Payments Expo in Las Vegas next week will explore what it takes to enter and succeed in the market amid unprecedented regulatory scrutiny and oversight.

Investment network eToro migrates to hybrid cloud

Online social investment network eToro has moved its core IT infrastructure onto a hybrid cloud system. The platform will allow it to maintain sensitive applications in a private cloud while using a public cloud for others.

Capital markets firms must do more to protect IP

Capital markets firms are losing their intellectual property too easily to competitors, business partners and third parties. Most companies could benefit from a tougher approach to IP, including licencing agreements and more use of patents, according to a new report by analyst firm Aite.

February 2015: Banking in cyber-space

The cyber-attack on Sony Pictures at the end of last year highlighted something that IT and security people in financial services have known for some time – the modern networked environment is far less secure than most people are prepared to admit …

Customer segmentation central to success in digital banking

Banks have been struggling to work out the balance between the potential of new technologies, and the propensity (or otherwise) of customers to use them. After years of standardisation between platforms, the answer may actually be to carefully analyse and categorise customers based on their digital propensity and level of financial engagement – and to make sure that each kind of customer is handled differently, according to a new report by analyst firm Celent.

Code Halos: the key to improving banks’ Net Promoter Score

A company’s Net Promoter Score has become an important measure of customer satisfaction. It asks them a simple question: how likely they are to recommend that company to a friend. The responses split the audience into three groups: promoters, passives and detractors. By subtracting the percentage of detractors from the promoters, banks obtain their NPS. NPS has been a valued metric in many consumer-facing industries for several years, but its importance and influence in financial services is growing fast.

Aite: 60% of U.S. POS Locations to Be EMV-Compliant by Year-End (Feb. 12, 2015)

About 60 percent of U.S. POS locations will accept EMV chip transactions by yearend, according to a recent Aite Group survey. The results suggest the push to upgrade terminals in advance of the October 2015 liability shift is “accelerating,” but serious gaps in awareness and planning still exist, especially among small and midsize merchants.

Carl Williams, Planet Payment Inc.

Planet Payment Inc. announced that company president and CEO Carl Williams has been named chairman of its board of directors, effective immediately.

People on the Move: Pete Pouridis, Merchant Risk Council Board

The Merchant Risk Council (MRC), an association for professionals within ecommerce payments and fraud, announced that Pete Pouridis, vice president, loss prevention, The Neiman Marcus Group, has been appointed chairman of the MRC’s global board of directors.

People on the Move: Linda Rossetti,

The Women’s Network in Electronic Transactions (, has announced that Linda Rossetti, founder and president of ISO Bluestone Payments LLC, has been elected its 2015 national president.

People on the Move: Scott Pearson, Ballard Spahr LLP

Attorney Scott Pearson has joined law firm Ballard Spahr LLP as a partner in the firm’s consumer financial services group, which defends financial institutions in class actions, government enforcement proceedings and other complex litigation.

People on the Move: Jay Shipowitz, Back on My Feet Board

Back on My Feet, a nonprofit organization that promotes the self-sufficiency of people experiencing homelessness by engaging them in running, has named Jay Shipowitz, CEO of ACE Cash Express, as the new chairman of its national board of directors.

Avox offers API connections to legal entity data

Avox, the DTCC’s legal entity reference data subsidiary, has launched a series of web-based application programming interfaces designed to support faster access to data, including legal entity identifiers, legal names, addresses, industry classifications and corporate hierarchies.

Sharing threat intelligence is challenging the industry, but it’s the only way forward

Protecting your banking infrastructure from cybercriminals is one of the toughest IT challenges in banking. It keeps getting harder, even though banks are working tirelessly to protect both customers and assets. Attacks are growing in size, and new developments such as the Internet of Things mean attack surfaces are growing, as well as the number of endpoints that can be used to launch attacks.