
Cloud – not just the remit of the financial technology start-up

Over the past few years the financial industry has started to reinvent how it operates. Organisations are changing the way they serve their potential and existing customers, while maintaining the high levels of compliance and security that their customers and regulators require. The technologies available today mean that financial services organisations aren’t constrained in the way they once were. They can now access secure and compliant technology, on-demand, in the cloud which is helping them to create new ways to bring value to customers. But not all financial institutions have been able to take advantage of these technologies in the same way as newer entrants to the market have

Equniti to acquire Transglobal Payment Solutions

Equiniti has exchanged contracts to acquire TransGlobal Payment Solutions, whose platform is used by Equiniti International Payments, the group’s foreign exchange payments business, launched in 2011.

Commerzbank continues card processing contract with Worldline

Commerzbank has extended its existing credit card processing contract with Worldline for a further seven years. Since 1998 Wordline has provided the bank with an end-to-end processing service that includes complete processing of all the bank’s issued Visa and MasterCard cards.

Volante launches ‘Babel Fish’ for financial messaging transformation

A ‘Babel Fish’ for financial messaging has been launched by Volante Technologies with the intention of simplifying corporate-to-bank integration and removing obstacles to on-boarding. Like the fictional universal translator from Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy, the system translates incoming message formats into something that the receiver can understand.

Viewpoint: 3 Keys to Sustainable Public Sector Programs

Public sector programs usually offer predictable loads and transaction volumes, and that information can be a plus. But reliable load patterns don’t guarantee overall success, especially if you price yourself out of profitability and sustainability.

Viewpoint: How the Ripple Protocol Could Change Payments

Unless you’re a mathematician or a bitcoin fan, trying to understand what Ripple is—and why it’s so revolutionary—requires a bit of research (not to mention a double espresso!). That being said, here at Hyperwallet, we definitely think this new technology is worth investigating. In fact, I’d wager a bet that, within just a few years, Ripple could become as important to the world of payments as the Internet is to the world of information today.

Q&A with Brad Fauss, NBPCA

The NBPCA’s newly elected president and CEO spoke with Paybefore about priorities, what happens behind the scenes of the association, and the work that lies ahead for an industry that must continue to raise awareness on the Hill.

People on the Move: Matt Kerper, CashStar

CashStar Inc., a provider of digital gifting technology and Paybefore Award winner, has appointed Matt Kerper vice president of strategic business development.

Apple mops up mobile payments market

iPhone devices account for more than one in three mobile transactions, and are used for 10% of all global online transactions, according to new figures published by payment specialist Adyen.

The role of intelligent analytics in retail banking

Since the financial crash retail banks are faced with more regulatory and financial restrictions than could have been envisioned. This is coupled with increased levels of competition and much reduced consumer trust. Intelligent analytics may offer part of the solution.

Retail Gift Cards Rebound in 2014 (July 7, 2015)

After a sluggish 2012 and a double-digit drop in 2013, total dollars loaded onto retailer-issued, closed-loop prepaid cards rebounded with a 13 percent increase last year, according to Mercator Advisory Group’s latest report.

Starting Young Key to Financial Literacy, Says Presidential Panel (July 7, 2015)

Equipping young Americans with the knowledge they need to make smart financial decisions should start as early as pre-kindergarten, according to a new report from a group of experts tasked with finding ways to promote financial capability among the young. Created by a 2013 executive order from President Obama, the President’s Advisory Council on Financial […]

N.Y. DOL Extends Comment Period for Payroll Card Regs (July 6, 2015)

Payroll card providers now have until July 31, 2015, to respond to the New York Department of Labor’s proposed payroll card regulations, which prohibit fees for inactivity, overdraft, declined transactions or receiving written transaction statements, among other mandates.

The new payments landscape: we need a new mind-set

Popmoney, Dwolla, Square Cash, Funding Circle, Venmo, Nutmeg, Transferwise, Stellar, Kabbage … this is not a list of the latest box office hits or some weird shopping list, but a handful of the emergent FinTech companies that are sprouting up everywhere like wild mushrooms. These companies are, to a certain extent, beginning to reshape and […]

Harmonisation of ISO 20022 is crucial – but who should be in charge?

It seems not a day goes by without seeing those three little letters and five numbers – ISO 20022 – appearing in headlines or articles. But hang on a minute, what’s all the commotion about? It’s just another message format that I need to make sure my systems can handle, right?