
Virtual branching: how disruptive innovations are changing financial services

The ability to blend artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction should resonate strongly with financial service organisations due to their need to be highly targeted and responsive. When you provide the right service to a consumer at the right time, you can affect their behaviour and give them the push needed to complete the purchase.

What is the future of digital cash?

The recent World Economic Forum (WED) report “Sweden could stop using cash by 2023”, says that the country is moving towards favouring cards and mobile payment apps. Yet retailers are expected to accept cash for at least a couple of years afterwards.

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Revolut launches cryptocurrency trading

Consumer interest in digital currency is at an all-time high. Much of this is thanks to Bitcoin and so this week is the perfect time for global banking company Revolut to launch cryptocurrency trading on its platform.

Fintech funding round-up: 4 December 2017

Coming straight after Friday’s (1 December) fintech funding action, here’s another round-up to take the Monday blues away. This round-up features Oakam, KeyBank, Snapsheet, Payrailz and Elsen.

E-book: Realizing value in mortgages with eSignature

Closing more loans and realizing revenue more quickly is every lender’s goal. But if you’re operating with costly, time-consuming paper-based processes, that goal will be impossible to achieve. The only viable option is to part ways with paper and partner with a digital solution.

Using the web to access online banking? Who is protecting the browser side?

To date, there hasn’t been a way to understand if online users are being compromised or to be sure precisely what they are seeing whilst visiting and interacting with a web page. We know that endpoint security and anti-viruses fail and online users can be infected even with all the precautions that they may take. Server-side security is now very mature and excellent progress has been made in that particular field.