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News, intelligence and resources on the global fintech industry including the impact of Brexit.

I am an immigrant

I was asked recently in an interview what I mean when I describe myself as an immigrant. Let’s discuss.

Q&A with Mobey Forum’s ED Maikki Frisk

Six months after coming on board to lead the digital financial services trade association, Maikki Frisk talks about how to drive mobile payments adoption, the implications of Brexit and PSD2, and the ultimate importance of a good user experience.

PIF Seeks Clarity, Exemptions as U.K. Moves toward PSD2

As the U.K. moves ahead with plans to implement the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), the Prepaid International Forum (PIF) has asked regulators for more clarification on certain aspects of how the framework will be applied in the country.

Trend Watch 2017: Payments Year in Review

Paybefore’s first-ever payments year-in-review report, sponsored by The Bancorp, is available now. Offering an in-depth look at key trends and the Top 10 payments stories from 2016 that will continue to shape the industry in 2017 and beyond, this must-have resource examines everything influencing the industry from the CFPB and Uber to Brexit and Trump and much more.

Trade Group Report Offers Post-Brexit Licensing Guidance

With last year’s Brexit decision casting uncertainty on U.K.-based e-money passporting, the Emerging Payments Association (EPA) has released a new report recommending the best options for U.K.-licensed fintech and financial services companies in danger of losing their European Union passporting rights following the U.K.’s exit from the EU.

Industry views: ushering in a New Year

To kick off 2017, we asked industry leaders to tell us what happened in 2016 that will most affect their businesses and where they will be investing in 2017 and why.