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Funding Circle Joins CFSI

Small-business lending platform Funding Circle has become a Financial Health Network member of the Center for Financial Services Innovation.

Top 5 Best Challenger Banks: Spotlight Profiles

Our Top 5 Challenger Bank spotlight series is complete. Get to know the challengers—Cashplus, Varo Money, Revolut, Capital on Tap and Fidor Bank—looking to shake up the status quo with tech and a superior customer experience.

Banking Technology September 2017 issue out now

Welcome to fintech central! Good service operating on all lines. The latest edition of our flagship magazine – Banking Technology – is out now, packed with news, analysis and insights, case studies, research and expert commentary.

E-book: Top 5 challenges of digital transformation and how to tackle them

Get practical advice for overcoming the top 5 challenges of digital transformation, revealed by research in over 1000 enterprises around the globe. Are you struggling with inflexible legacy technologies? Or a lack of collaboration between business and IT teams? You’ll find the answers here. Download your copy of the Bizagi e-book to see: The 5 most […]

Artificial intelligence round-up: 31 August 2017

Where’s the humanity? Well, not here as this is an artificial intelligence (AI) round-up. Features Royal Bank of Canada, Emirates NBD, and the ten greatest threats to mankind. Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) has announced a pilot launch of two digital services based on AI that offer insights about client’s financials and an automated savings […]

Six new banks join UBS-led utility settlement coin plan

The UBS-led effort to create a digital cash model for payments and settlement on blockchain has got six new banks onboard, according to the Financial Times. As Banking Technology reported in August last year, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, ICAP and Santander joined UBS and Clearmatics to advance their utility settlement coin (USC) concept, and plan […]

Fintech: beware the fake news

In every aspect of life, sentiment overshoots. We overbuy and oversell securities. The political pendulum swings from left to right. Shops run out of ultra-fashionable goods only to heavily discount excess stock a couple months later. Ben Robinson, chief strategy officer at Temenos, explains how this is not a new phenomenon, but has got worse […]

Top 5 Best Challenger Banks: Fidor Bank

Our final spotlight article for our Top 5 Best Challenger Banks list is the only actual bank in the bunch. See how Germany-based Fidor Bank stacks up against the high street banks and its nonbank competitors.

Webinar: Lessons learned from the first year of CRS reporting obligations

Financial institutions face unprecedented data management and compliance challenges as they continue to grapple with multiplying CRS and FATCA (AEOI) related global tax transparency regulations. A year on from our first FATCA and CRS survey, Thomson Reuters and Banking Technology joined forces to survey the industry – to assess the challenges faced by financial institutions […]

Top 5 Best Challenger Banks: Varo Money

“There’s a reason that the bank of the future hasn’t been created yet—it’s extremely difficult,” says Top 5 Best Challenger Bank Varo Money. See if you think they’ve got what it takes to rise to the challenge.

Banking Technology Awards entry deadline extended

Due to high volume of requests, the deadline to enter Banking Technology Awards is being extended. The final chance to enter the Awards is now Friday, 8 September 2017. Nominate projects, products, services or partnerships for a Judged Award or tell us about inspirational people by nominating them for a Leadership Award. Full details on […]

FIS and Equifax want you to say goodbye to passwords

FIS has joined forces with information specialist Equifax to create OnlyID, a digital authentication solution that enables consumers to make secure transactions across multiple online accounts without passwords, reports Banking Technology‘s sister publication Paybefore. OnlyID provides “a single, secure digital log-in,” consisting of the consumer’s thumbprint or another unique identifier. The two companies jointly offer the […]

Douugh rises to occasion for AI-powered banking

Banking challenger Douugh has unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI) powered financial platform, guided by “Sophie” – a 24/7 personal assistant for finances. Andy Taylor, founder and CEO of Douugh, says: “We believe the future of banking is about platform, data and identity.” Douugh plans to use Sophie to offer better financial decisions for consumers. Services […]

White paper: in-memory computing – now and tomorrow

As businesses cope with an explosion of data and users who expect real-time insights, many have turned toward in-memory computing solutions. As a result, in-memory computing platforms are becoming key infrastructure components for a growing number of organisations.

Mind the reality gap fintech

A new survey has highlighted the differences between customer expectation and experience in the fintech industry, with many companies failing to deliver the value that consumers crave. It has also flagged up the low standing that CEOs have as credible sources of information. According to public relations (PR) firm FleishmanHillard Fishburn’s (FHF) “Authenticity Gap” survey, […]

Barclays Enables ‘Voice Pay’ with Siri

Barclays announced on Aug. 21 that it’s the first U.K. high street bank that lets mobile banking customers make a payment by asking Siri. The payment, which relies on TouchID for authentication, can be completed without opening the Barclays Mobile Banking app.

Rabobank builds 3D model of its own IT landscape

Mapping the IT landscape of a large organisation is probably not an easy task and Rabobank is attempting to resolve this via the construction of a 3D model of its own structure and supporting IT systems. In a LinkedIn post by Hans Tesselaar, executive director of the Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN), a not-for-profit fintech […]

Fintech funding round-up: 21 August 2017

A short time ago, in a round-up near here (i.e. 18 August) we covered the lively world of fintech funding. Yet again, we have more cash action. Featuring Xinja, Capital Float and Prodigy Finance. Australia-based Xinja, which recently emerged from the shadows to unveil its plans for a mobile-only digital bank, is in the news […]

Is fintech to banking what craft ale is to brewing?

Is fintech to banking what craft ale is to brewing? If so, what can banks learn from the rise and rise of craft ale? Aden Davies, principal consultant at ABZD, looks at ten trends seen in the craft ale industry that have interesting parallels with the rise of fintech.

Infographic: why your moat is no longer enough to protect your castle

In the 1600s, Spain built an impregnable defence system to protect the San Juan Bay in Puerto Rico. This defence in-depth system fortified San Juan with three lines of defence, marking a high point in military engineering for the time period. A similar model could be used to protect your institution’s account holders from today’s cyberattacks. But with 15.4 million Americans falling victim to identity fraud last year, three lines of defence are no longer enough.

Top 5 Best Challenger Banks: Revolut

Last month, we asked visitors to vote for the Best Challenger Banks—the ones shaking up the status quo with a legit chance to become consumers’ preferred accounts, not just a stepping stone to the big banks. For the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing our spotlight articles on these challengers. First up is Revolut.

Physical containers – reused in novel ways. Does that include nextgen branch offices?

With standards as simple as what we see with shipping containers, creative folks will begin considering options for almost anything that can benefit from these containers being mobile. The user experience that today we enjoy with mobile devices has changed the very heart of today’s data centre even as we see on-premise IT moving to clouds. Couldn’t a case be made that such flexibility be embraced even more aggressively in the future and couldn’t that change the very way we view banking as it continues to transform?

P2P Payments Push Forward

In the P2P showdown, who will be left standing? See how early entrants like Venmo and Square Cash stack up against Zelle and Apple.

U.S. Sen. Warren Questions Big Banks on Arbitration

As expected, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) is not going to let the CFPB’s final rule on arbitration agreements go down without a fight. The ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protections wants big banks—not just their lobbyists—to address the issue.

White paper: digital trust is transforming online and mobile banking

Banks are beginning to re-align their internal processes and external-facing products to take advantage of, and more fully realize, the potential of digital transformation. One of the biggest challenges they come up against in this pursuit is how to balance customer experience and security. In other words, implementing a framework that accounts for all the […]

Industry bullish on promise of fintech – Opimas research

Market players are bullish on the near- and longer-term promise of fintech, according to new research by Opimas, “Fintech Spending and Innovation in Capital Markets”. In 2017, it estimates fintech spending across all capital markets participants to exceed $127 billion.

Infographic: creating millennium-friendly financial advising

People often need financial advice that’s best suited to meet their needs, which differ from one generation to another. You cannot expect millennials to consume the same financial advice as baby boomers. Times have changed, so financial institutions and experts also need to change their approaches to cater for the needs of a much younger clientele that’s distrustful of not only the government, but also financial institutions.

The Monday mindset: 14 August 2017

Fintech zeitgeist! This week, Banking Technology’s editor Tanya Andreasyan muses about the growing trend of celebrity endorsement in the fintech world.

Regtech Supplier Performance Report: ignorance is no longer bliss, it’s now criminal offence

The second edition of Regtech Supplier Performance Report, featuring some 50 regtech suppliers, published by Market Fintech Limited and supported by Banking Technology, says that with over 50,000 regulatory documents published across the G20 since 2009, and an average of 45 new documents every week, we must assume that the future of banking will be driven by technological developments.