
Digital Disruption: Customer-Driven Innovation in Retail Banking

http://d36omcu95vpmg5.cloudfront.net/webinars/2015/Misys_May2015.mp4   Digital innovation is disrupting the retail banking industry worldwide. Many perceive the trailblazers to be the hot start-ups – creative, legacy-free, pioneering the latest digital and analytics technologies. But established ‘traditional’ banks have the opportunity to reinvent or reinvigorate their brands in the digital world – with an already captive audience and decades […]

Business intelligence and analytics for superior surveillance

Financial institutions face an unprecedented array of threats including traditional fraud, ATM skimming and cash harvesting, as well as more sophisticated cyber threats and online hacking. This online webinar will explore how video-driven analytics can be used to provide insights into business vulnerabilities and to protect against fraud and other types of threat.

KYC Regulatory Impact: Beyond Compliance

Looked at from a data perspective, many new regulations have overlapping requirements that come back to customer data. Banking Technology joined forces with Markit | Genpact KYC Services and regulatory specialist JWG and recently conducted a survey to look at how firms are approaching the challenges this poses, the survey proved hugely popular with over 200 responses.

Trade Reporting: over the first hurdle

The deadline for trade reporting mandated by the European Market Infrastructure Regulation is 12 February, and many institutions are working hard to meet it. In this webinar, Banking Technology and the DTCC will be discussing how the industry managed the transition and what challenges remain.