
European Parliament passes “sensible” MiFID II

The European Parliament has approved MiFID II, bringing to a close the political debate over the future of Europe’s trading infrastructure and ushering in a period of focus on finer technical details. The final vote will reflect a much more sensible approach than many had feared, according to Anne Plested, head of regulation change at trading technology specialist Fidessa.

People on the Move: Rick Oglesby, Double Diamond Group LLC

Payments industry consulting firm Double Diamond Group LLC has hired Rick Oglesby as senior research analyst and consultant of the recently launched Double Diamond Payments Research, a research division focusing on merchant acceptance trends and analysis.

People on the Move: Joel Leonoff, Optimal Payments

Optimal Payments, a London-based online payments and risk management provider, announced that President and CEO Joel Leonoff was named CEO of the year at the U.K. Stock Market Awards 2014 last month.

People on the Move: Corbin Simon, R&P Group

R&P Group, a Sioux Falls, S.D.-based payments industry recruiting firm, announced that Corbin Simon has earned the Top Producer Award (first quarter 2014) for the Sioux Falls area, from the U.S. Recruiting Network.

UK account switching service gathers momentum

More than half a million UK consumers have switched their current accounts since September, according to new figures released by the UK Payments Council. The figures have been described as positive, but market observers remain cautious over whether or not they can be sustained and whether the UK authorities are doing enough to promote innovation.

Market pressures force tech rethink on reconciliation

Global regulatory pressure and the shift to real-time processing are causing banks and major financial institutions to rethink how they handle reconciliation, according to a new report by financial research house Aite.

ICAP connects with Perseus for Brazilian HFT service

Broker ICAP will use high-frequency trading infrastructure from specialist Perseus Telecom as it seeks to expand its coverage across Brazil and Latin America. ICAP is already active in the region, where it connects to São Paulo and Mexico City. The Perseus LiquidPath service provides connectivity, hosting, consulting, and real time monitoring, and includes HFT services […]

Market data debate reignites at TradeTech

The European Commission’s MiFID II legislation has produced a disappointing outcome for those hoping for a consolidated tape of post-trade data, while exchanges continue to bear the brunt of participants’ anger over the price of market data.

Flash Boys ‘star’ Ronan Ryan says market better off without HFT

One of the central characters featured in Michael Lewis’ controversial book Flash Boys, has added fuel to the fire of debate over high frequency trading by claiming that in a market with less HFT, average order sizes would get larger and long-term investors would benefit.

MiFID II may cause pain in the dark

New EU regulations on market making and dark pools could be damaging investor choice and forcing participants to make decisions that are not in their best interests.

Firms still struggling with SEFs for swaps trading says IPC survey

Trading firms are still struggling with the Dodd-Frank requirement for certain swaps to be traded on registered Swap Execution Facilities. According to a survey conducted by trading communications vendor IPC Systems, 60% of survey respondents said the industry as a whole was behind on meeting the deadlines on SEF trading, though only 39% said their […]

Europe needs more competition, not more exchanges …

Europe doesn’t need more trading venues – instead, it needs more innovation, more fairness, more competition and better enforcement, according to panellists speaking at the Trade Tech conference in Paris.

Bitcoin: the indestructible currency?

Despite the high profile media scandals surrounding the demise of the Mt Gox exchange and the Silk Road trading website, Bitcoin is evolving rapidly and will soon present a better, more stable and accountable alternative to the fiat currencies most of us trust and use every day, according to Mark Lamb, chief executive of London-based Bitcoin exchange Coinfloor.