
AIFMD implementation sucessful, but doubts remain on regulatory data

The funds industry has successfully implemented the requirements of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive over the past year but has doubts about the use of data being gathered by regulators and question whether it is helping regulators to better spot threats and systemic risks that may impact market stability.

Payments infrastructures must support innovation says regulator

New payments options are springing up all over the place – except for the underlying infrastructure where current arrangement for access and governance may be a hinderance to innovation, according to the head of the UK’s Payment Systems Regulator.

Atom Bank granted UK banking licence ahead of 2015 launch

Challenger UK retail bank Atom has received its licence from the Bank of England, meaning it will now be able to go ahead with plans to launch later this year. The bank will add competition to the UK retail banking sector, which until 2010 had not seen a single new entrant for 150 years.

Banking Technology Forum 2015 morning sessions: payments regulation, blockchain real-time payments and digital banking

There is a nuclear revolution going on in banking and payments with new digital challenger banks like Atom and Starling seeking to displace established banks that are themselves turning to real-time payment infrastructures to retain customers and under regulatory pressure to open up to FinTech competition from mobile players and payment service providers (PSPs). Crypto-currencies, cyber-security and other tech challenges were also addressed at the Banking Technology Forum 2015

T2S goes live after nine years – without Italy

Target2-Securities, the European Central Bank project to harmonise Europe’s post trade infrastructure, has finally gone live after nine years of preparation. Italy’s Monte Titoli was not part of the first wave.

Banks could lose customer interaction role to new entrants

If children trust Google more than they trust a bank, tomorrow’s customers may well hold their money with digital companies instead of traditional banks. That thought worries senior banking industry speakers speaking at the BBA conference in London on Thursday.

Swift splits the world in two

Swift has brought the management of its Americas, UK, Ireland and Nordics units under one head following the decision of Chris Church, chief executive of Swift Americas and global head of securities, to leave after seven years with the industry consortium.

DTCC kicks off global data harmonisation plans with derivatives

US post-trade utility the DTCC has issued a series of recommendations on global data harmonisation, beginning with credit derivatives, as part of a grand push to harmonise 30 data fields across global trade repository providers and create a global data dictionary.

London to host Sibos 2019

London has been selected as the host city for Sibos 2019 following a successful bid by ExCeL London and London & Partners, the official promotional company for the city.

HSBC sees boom in use of mobile among corporate customers

Corporate users are increasingly adopting mobile payments, according to figures from HSBC, which expects usage of its HSBCnet Mobile corporate banking platform to double over the next 18 months, reaching $100 billion in payments.