
Western Union Settles with DOJ, FTC on Fraud and Money Laundering Violations

Western Union will pay $586 million in customer refunds and beef up its money laundering and fraud protections. after admitting to criminally violating the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act and federal anti-fraud regulations, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The settlement also involves the Federal Trade Commission and covers conduct that took place between 2004 and 2012.

GDPR and Brexit: be prepared!

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect in the UK in May 2018. Even if the UK triggers Article 50 of the Treaty of Rome in March 2017, it has to give two years’ notice to leave the European Union (EU), and therefore cannot escape the new data privacy provisions.

Money rolls

Our new series of thrillers – produced and directed by CustomerXPs and Banking Technology – narrate the tales of the fight between the forces of good (the Clari5 analytics and anti-fraud software) and the forces of evil. Based on real events and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Texas Republican Meets with Trump for CFPB’s Top Job

A Texas Republican under consideration to lead the CFPB met with President-elect Donald Trump last week, Trump Spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Jan. 12 call with reporters, according to The Huffington Post. Former U.S. Rep. Randy Neugebauer, a long-time critic of the bureau and a proponent of repealing the Durbin Amendment and other aspects of Dodd-Frank, could please financial services providers, while putting retailers on edge.

Want Consumers to Spend More? Make Sure They Have Gift Cards.

Gift cards are very good for business, and getting better: 75 percent of U.S. consumers using the payment devices in 2016 spent more during their shopping trips than the value stored on those cards, according to a First Data study. That compares with 69 percent in 2015. The average extra spending stands at $27.74 more than the value of the card, the report said.

Trade Group Report Offers Post-Brexit Licensing Guidance

With last year’s Brexit decision casting uncertainty on U.K.-based e-money passporting, the Emerging Payments Association (EPA) has released a new report recommending the best options for U.K.-licensed fintech and financial services companies in danger of losing their European Union passporting rights following the U.K.’s exit from the EU.

White House Unveils Fintech Framework for U.S.

Following the OCC’s plans for a special fintech bank charter, which has state regulators and a few Democratic senators up in arms, the National Economic Council (NEC) of the U.S., part of the Office of White House Policy, has published a whitepaper, “A Framework for Fintech,” reports Paybefore’s sister publication Banking Tech.

Fintechs making strides in PSD2

In November last year, German fintech firm figo completed a financing round that totalled €6.8 million. Figo has developed a banking application programming interface (API) and various products and services related to the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). It is just one of the many fintech firms that are poised to grab the considerable opportunities that PSD2 opens.

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Credit Card Surcharge Case

Credit card surcharges came before the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 10, in a case that concerns how much freedom retailers have in telling consumers they are being charged extra for the payment method. Comments from justices suggested that the Supreme Court might send the case back to New York for further review, though it was unclear when a decision would be announced, according to news reports.

PSD2: Who wins?

I was recently asked who the biggest winner would be to emerge post-PSD2, the banks or the fintech firms. If we ignore for a moment that the biggest winners are clearly you and I, the end consumer of these services, it did reveal an interesting thought process and dynamic at play.

House Financial Services Committee Names New Members, Leadership

The newly seated 115th U.S. Congress includes several new faces on one of the most important committees for financial services regulation. House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) announced 10 new Republican members who will serve on the committee for the new Congress.

Democratic Senators Oppose OCC Fintech Proposal

A skirmish over the future of U.S. fintech is underway in the new U.S. Senate, with two Democratic senators this week saying a new federal charter governing the industry “could weaken consumer protections, limit competition and threaten financial stability.”

Putting trust in chatbots

Artificial intelligence (AI) interfaces and chatbots could be revolutionary for financial institutions – but only if they strike the right balance between human and machine interaction.

Country spotlight: Lithuania – the young ones

Banking Technology explores a less known – but a noteworthy – destination for fintech in Europe, Lithuania, and its capital Vilnius. Whilst it is realistic that it cannot compete with the European Goliaths such as London or Paris, it wants to carve its own niche in the fintech space, and has quite a lot to offer.

CFPB Keeps Focus on Disclosures, Deceptive Marketing with Latest Enforcement

The CFPB’s emphasis on fee disclosures and marketing practices was highlighted in a major way this week, as the bureau levied a $23.1 million enforcement action against credit reporting agencies Equifax and TransUnion over allegedly misstating the cost and usefulness of their products and “luring” customers into recurring payments. Although targeted at credit bureaus, the enforcement action offers key takeaways for payments providers shaping their own compliance efforts to stay out of the CFPB’s cross hairs, according to industry observers.

U.K. Competition Authority Raises a Concern about Mastercard/VocaLink Deal

The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is worried that Mastercard’s billion-dollar deal to acquire VocaLink could hinder competition, and the CMA is giving the two companies until Jan. 11 to address a concern or face an “in-depth investigation,” according to the authority.

Are we heading for an identity crisis in fintech?

Establishing if someone is who they say they are in today’s virtual world is a major headache for banks and fintechs, thanks to the strict regulations they operate under and the difficulty in providing non-physical, verifiable forms of identity.

Prepaid Complaints Drop 59 Percent, CFPB Reports

Complaints about prepaid products dropped 59 percent from September through November in 2016 compared with the same period the previous year, according to the latest CFPB Monthly Complaint Report. That drop, to 183 complaints on average per month, represents the largest percentage decrease in complaints among all the products tracked by the federal agency, and comes as the CFPB in its new report focuses on debt collection.

Top ten fintech opinion pieces in 2016

Look back at some of the most interesting and thought-provoking opinion pieces on all matters fintech published by Banking Technology in 2016.

US chip and PIN card roll-out – let’s shorten the time to process; where do I sign!

From a technology perspective, the family home has decided to rush headlong into the 21st century. When our home was built we thought we were being extremely progressive in having a Panasonic “4 lines, 10 extensions, PBX” installed with separate lines for my wife and myself and then a line for business and yes, one dedicated line for the fax machine. Cool… but fast forward a decade and a half and with the home up for sale, we were politely advised to take out all those handsets and close the door on the PBX.

Plan Would Require Declaration of Prepaid Cards Shipped into EU

A proposed plan by the European Commission (EC) to combat terrorism financing would require customs declarations for prepaid cards sent in postal parcels or freight shipments into or out of the EU. Currently, cards sent or shipped across EU borders are not covered by the standard customs declaration requirement. Coming in the wake of a truck attack in Berlin that left 12 people dead and dozens wounded, the proposal is part of the EC’s action plan against terrorist financing, an initiative unveiled in February 2016, designed to help EU nations cut off the supply of funding for terrorist activity.

FCA green lights cloud technologies

We are constantly connected to the cloud (iPhone, DropBox, Google Drive just to name a few) and yet, in financial services, the adoption has been tremendously slow. In part, this is due to a lack of guidance from regulators, especially where cloud-based regulation technology is concerned. But finally there is forward progress.

Digital Payment Growth in India Brings Initial Headaches

While digital payments providers have enjoyed significant boosts in transaction volume—some as much as triple-digits—since the government banned two popular currency notes, the uptick in digital payments also has led to online traffic jams and fraud, according to several news outlets.

Challenger bank: Starling – purple reigns

UK challenger bank Starling talks about finding its niche and how it intends to prosper in an increasingly competitive space – all in preparation for its 2017 launch.

Study: Mobile Payments to Reach $410.5 Billion by 2020 as M-Wallets Flood Market

A plethora of mobile wallets and payment apps are expected to flood the market in the next two years, and the sheer number of choices are likely to “confuse” many consumers, who ultimately might look to their financial institutions to be their mobile wallet provider, according to a recent report by Javelin Strategy & Research.

A sea of penguins

I am blind as a bat, and there are times when it’s an advantage to be blind, or deaf, or even dumb to certain insults, certain situations, certain obstacles. Clearly it’s a double-edged sword because being deaf, dumb, and blind to impediments, pitfalls, and danger zones is just asking for disaster.

Will an open banking API kill commercial APIs?

The PSD2 directive will let third parties use the information stored in financial institutions and the only path to achieve this leads through an open API. The API is now being discussed and developed, but it’s not clear when it will be finalised, released and deployed.

CFPB Takes Aim at Accounts Marketed to College Students

Five months after Department of Education rules regulating financial aid disbursements went into effect, the CFPB released a report on Dec. 14 claiming that marketing deals between banks and colleges often promote financial products that lead to high overdraft and other fees. Meanwhile, industry observers note that overdraft—when permitted—requires students to opt-in and there are other ways to avoid fees.

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