High school jocks living their best lives
Those who feel the place you are offering them into the future is not shiny enough, can and will be left behind.
Those who feel the place you are offering them into the future is not shiny enough, can and will be left behind.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused immediate changes to the financial services industry.
If you are a fintech undertaking lead generation for the first time, where do you start?
These are seen by some to be a post-Brexit policy to ensure that the UK does not lag behind.
125,000+ staff working remotely, 3m chat messages, 780,000 video & internet calls a day – how did Santander do it?
Coronavirus crisis opportunities for alternative lenders come with big risks.
This makes it the ideal tool to help SMEs through COVID-19.
It’s a cheaper, faster & more secure method for online payments, so why aren’t PIS being more widely used?
There are a number of issues for SMEs when it comes to cash transactions.
In light of how quickly the world has changed, CIOs and CTOs need to ponder hard questions.
Throughout the process, involved parties must understand drivers for change.
Let’s dive into the ‘HOW’ of this innovation that has made payments simpler and far more secure.
Choose to act towards the next chapter. Choose to live each day of “not normal” as if more than survival is at stake.
It is not possible to overplay the economic and reputational importance of compliance.
It’s important to find areas of your business that can create positive returns.
Yolt’s chief business officer unpacks his thoughts on Brexit & the future of finance.
Data that is submitted manually for compliance in many cases can be erroneous.
These testing challenges inherent to AI systems are compounded by data access issues.
We don’t do nearly enough. We can do better and we must do better and we WILL do better.
The number one concern, unsurprisingly, is ensuring online security.
Key players, party models, easy ways to begin building relationships, and tips for establishing partnerships.
56% of consumers would prefer to use a biometric sensor on their payment card instead of a PIN.
Leaders and managers may find themselves in a response management mode that is unfamiliar.
Exposure to a range of risks is driving demand for predictive data analytics in the insurance sector.
More than a third of fintechs in our sample did not have a single woman on their board.
Highlighting how tech companies have come to the rescue during the COVID-19 crisis.
Roughly 80% of PPP applicants are still waiting on loans, says NFIB.
Humans have been completely removed from the decision workflow and replaced by technology.
#LedaWrites has given me an expansive place where I could reflect, peel back and grow.
Some trading apps see their future in the saving market.
During these difficult times the survival of many companies will depend on their ability to adjust to a new reality.
Does your fintech need a patent? Does your invention need protection, or will you need something else?
Pairing face-based biometrics with certified liveness detection to crack down on ATO fraud.
How to comply with the legislation and ensure that appropriate safeguards and additional checks are in place.
Understanding where the industry stands at present in terms of the gender gap is essential to trying to address it.
P2P initiatives aimed at helping corporates transact more efficiently will continue to gain traction.
Tune in to hear what Gemini’s MD for Europe, Julian Sawyer, thinks about digital currencies.
Opportunities for traders are no less diverse in the modern market.
ACI’s Melissa McKendry promotes fintech and payments as a career path for girls with the Coding for Girls initiative.
Giving the people who are building your future a reason to believe in you and your right for a future is survival.