2023 Financial Newslink Global Trends Database: Expertly Selected, Edited and Linked Key Intelligence
Dublin, Feb. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “OnlyStrategic Financial Newslink Global Trends Database” database has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.
This database of 80,000 articles contains expertly selected, edited and linked key intelligence worldwide from source with new articles added each week.
The target strategic intelligence is worldwide market news and trends which can be accessed for reports by date range, continent, country, company, trade associations, and regulators – covering Insurance and Banking results, research, mergers & acquisitions, regulatory aspects, senior appointments, and relevant IT/InsurTech/FinTech in a business application context – thus building a bridge at strategic level to enable market and IT trends to be viewed together.
The database enables users to identify their specific interests by speedy advanced self-service to quickly form a report of selected articles which can then be emailed or printed. An individual word search also immediately reveals articles on key subjects, such as Solvency II, cyber, and InsurTech/FinTech trends.
The service is ideal for students and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) through to senior management needing to quickly compile a competitor analysis or specific trend overview. It complements and adds value in a market context to a company’s internal data/analytics-a major aid to better decision making across the company.
The database acts as an invaluable research tool for market players, and IT suppliers (established and start-ups). Pricing is on a sliding scale to ensure multiple use is available at an economic price with an annual licence renewal – it can be by individual, group, corporate, institutional, or association.
Key Topics Covered:
- UK – London Market, Other IT News, Research, Publications and Surveys
- UK – General, Personal and Commercial
- UK – Life, Pensions and Financial Services
- West & Central Europe > United Kingdom
- North America
- Middle East
- Latin America
- Indian Subcontinent
- East Europe – West Asia
- Bermuda-Caribbean
- Asia Pacific
- Africa
Companies Mentioned
- Admiral
- Aegon
- Agricultural Bank of China
- Alexander Forbes
- Alliance & Leicester
- Allianz
- Allied Irish
- Allstate
- Alpha Bank
- AMY Financial
- Aon
- Arch Capital
- Argo
- Ascot
- Aspen
- Assurant
- Asta
- Aviva
- AXIS Capital
- Baloise
- Banca Intesa
- Banca Populaire Italiana
- Banca Sao Paulo IMI
- Banco Commercial Portugues
- Bank Austria
- Bank of America
- Bank of China
- Bank of Ireland
- Bank of Scotland
- Barclays
- Beazley
- Berkshire Hathaway
- Blackrock
- Blackstone
- BMO Financial Group
- BNP Paribas
- BNY Melon
- Brown & Brown
- Cahoot
- Caixa Bank
- Canada Life
- Canopius
- Capital One
- Charles Taylor
- China Life
- China Pacific
- Chubb
- Citibank
- Citigroup
- Commerce Bank
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- Covea
- Crawford
- Credit Agricole
- Credit Suisse
- Danske Bank
- Deutsche Bank
- Dexia
- Direct Line
- Discover FS
- Dresdner Bank
- Ecclesiastical
- Endurance
- Erste Bank
- esure
- Eureko
- Eurobank Ergasias
- Euronext
- Everest Re
- Fairfax Financial
- First Gulf
- Fondiaria-SAI
- Gallagher
- Generali
- Goldman Sachs
- Groupama
- Hamilton
- Hana Financial Group
- Hannover Re
- Hartford Financial Services
- Hastings Group
- Hiscox
- HSH Nord Bank
- Hub Group
- Hub International
- Humana
- Hyperion Group
- HypoVerinsbank
- IF
- Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
- Irish Bank Resolution Corp
- Irish Life & Permanent
- Ironshore
- J.C. Flowers
- JP Morgan
- Julius Beer
- Kauphing
- Keycorp
- Kookmin Bank
- Korea Exchange Bank
- Lancashire
- Landesbank
- LCL. Lyonais
- Legal & General
- Liberty Mutual
- Link Interchange Networks
- Lloyds Bank
- Lloyd’s
- LV=
- Man Group
- Manulife
- Markel
- Marsh MacLennan
- Mastercard
- McQuarie
- Media Banca
- Merrill Lynch
- MetLife
- Miller
- Mitsui Sumitomo
- Mizunu
- Monitise
- Mony
- Morgan Stanley
- Munich Re
- Nat West
- National Australia Bank
- National Bank of Kuwait
- Nationwide
- Ned Bank
- New York Life
- Novae
- NYSE Euronext
- Omega Underwriting
- Overseas Chinese Banking Corp
- PartnerRe
- Phoenix Group
- Ping An
- Piraes Bank
- PNC Financial
- Pool Re
- Primary Group
- Principal Financial
- Progressive
- Prudential
- Prudential Financial
- Rabobank
- Raiffeison
- Randall & Quilter
- RenaissanceRe
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- Royal London
- Sabedell
- Sampo
- Santander
- Schroeders
- Scotia Bank
- Sirius
- Skuld Group
- SNL Financial
- St James’s Place
- Standard Aberdeen
- Standard Chartered
- State Bank of India
- Storebrand
- Sumitomo Mitsui
- Sun Life Financial Services
- Swed Bank
- Swiss Life Swiss Re
- Talanx
- TD Bank Group
- Temaseh
- Tesco Bank
- The Hanover
- Tokio Marine
- Towergate(Ardonagh Group)
- Transatlantic
- Travelers
- U.S. Bancorp
- Unicredit
- United Overseas Bank
- Unum
- UTB Bank
- Vienna Insurance Group
- Virgin Money
- W.R. Berkeley
- Wachovia
- Wells Fargo
- West LB. West Pac
- White Mountains
- Willis Towers Watson
- Woori Financial Group
- Yasuda
- Zurich Insurance Group
For more information about this database visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/21v8mz
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