Travelex launches “major refresh” of 600 ATMs with NCR Atleos
The Travelex ATM network is to be replaced with NCR SelfServ and NCR Vision.
The Travelex ATM network is to be replaced with NCR SelfServ and NCR Vision.
Travelex CCO Cameron Hume is also transitioning into the role of global wholesale director.
Cybercriminals haven’t stopped their activities in 2020.
Finablr’s debt sits at $1.3 billion, compared to the $334 million it reported.
Dorfman joins fellow shareholder in Snoop, Salesforce Ventures.
Reflecting on some of the most topical outages & cyber-security attacks this past quarter.
Finablr processed $115 billion in transactions in 2019, and more than 1,500 firms rely on it.
A majority of the firm’s services remain down.
FX firm claims its systems are slowly coming back online.
The ailing FX firm is wrestling with a New Year’s ransomware attack.
Foreign exchange firm working “round the clock” to fix the attack.
‘Samsung Pay Cash’ and ‘Money Transfer’ are just the beginning.
Swych’s blockchain-based gift card technology will power Travelex Pay, offered by Travelex and WeChat.
Supercard, a new card and mobile product launched by Travelex and Wirecard last June, is now being sunsetted.
New banks are appearing at the double – and Ditto, a France-based mobile-driven multi-currency bank, is the latest one getting ready to launch. Ditto, which is backed by foreign exchange company Travelex, has been built from scratch over the last two years and is “managed as a separate entity” from Travelex. Ditto is based on […]
Travelex has launched Supercard, a MasterCard and mobile app combo for UK travellers to avoid debit/credit card roaming fees and charges when spending abroad. Supercard will be chip and PIN protected. The security aspect will be taken care of by a payments firm Wirecard. Following a successful pilot, Supercard is now offered to the UK […]
Bitcoin is the poster child of the cryptocurrency world, but it’s not alone. Michael Mainelli and Bob McDowell take a look at the real-world implications of the rise of AltCoins