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SocietyOne tops $350m in loans

Australian P2P lender SocietyOne has revealed it has issued more than $350 million in loans on its platform since 2012, reports Julie Muhn at Finovate (Banking Technology’s sister company). Additionally, the company has the highest number of current loans, setting a record for itself with $200 million in its books. “Our growth in 2017 underlines […]

SocietyOne surpasses $300m in loans issued

Australian P2P lending platform SocietyOne reached a milestone this week. The company has surpassed $300 million in loans issued since it was founded in 2011, reports Finovate (Banking Technology’s sister company). During a time when P2P lending in the US is under scrutiny, SocietyOne is reporting an increasing demand for P2P lending in Australia. In the […]