Major financial institutions unite to address liquidity fragmentation threat of blockchain incompatibility
Deutsche Bank, Citi, Mastercard, Northern Trust and trade finance platform Centrifuge all contributed to the report.
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Deutsche Bank, Citi, Mastercard, Northern Trust and trade finance platform Centrifuge all contributed to the report.
Northern Trust will leverage Finbourne’s LUSID and Luminesce offerings.
Sawyer has previously served as CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp, and was co-founder of Starling Bank.
FinTech Futures takes a look back at some of the year’s top new fintech partnerships.
Chicago-based corporate bank extends “long-standing relationship” with BlackRock.
Pain joins from Deutsche Bank and will lead Northern Trust’s EMEA tech ops.
The move is viewed as a step towards an industry-wide PE blockchain solution.
JP Morgan and Northern Trust acted as custodian banks.
As the financial services industry and fintechs work ever closer, where does that leave bigtech?
IBM and financial services firm Northern Trust have launched the “first commercial deployment” of blockchain for the private equity market. The blockchain is based on the Hyperledger Fabric and is available for use for managing the administration of a private equity fund managed by Unigestion, a Switzerland-based asset manager with $20 billion in assets under […]
“First they think it’s stupid, then they think it’s obvious. Blockchain has passed the first test.” These are the words of an economics professor (quoted, but not present) on revolutionary ideas, and perhaps a succinct evaluation of where blockchain is right now. In a packed conference room on the Monday afternoon (26 September), the panel discussed “Blockchain 2020 – what next for adoption by the financial industry”.
Northern Trust Corporation has signed for Scorpeo’s services to provide an “innovative” historical corporate actions reporting service. Scorpeo’s Harmonia solution enables historical analysis to generate “detailed reports to show investors exactly how much value has been missed”, the vendor explains. It will be incorporated into the Northern Trust Historical Corporate Actions Transparency report. Northern Trust’s […]
Europe doesn’t need more trading venues – instead, it needs more innovation, more fairness, more competition and better enforcement, according to panellists speaking at the Trade Tech conference in Paris.
The complexity of regulatory reforms in Europe and the US are placing pressure on the industry and may catch some participants unawares.
Five international banks are to become direct participants in the UK’s CHAPS high-value payments system as part of the Bank of England’s efforts to reduce systemic risk.