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liquidity management

Liquidity management: real-time nostro time?

As part of its global payments innovation initiative, Swift and a group of banks have been trialling distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the reconciliation of nostro databases in real-time.

SmartStream’s Corona Cash & Liquidity gains new live site, Raiffeisen Bank International

Austria’s Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) has gone live with new cash and liquidity reporting software, SmartStream Technologies’ Corona. The bank has taken “a proactive approach to Basel III” – being the first in the region to do so, said the vendor. The new centralised solution will help to monitor and manage cash positions on an intraday basis, throughout the RBI group.

New cash and liquidity management system at Bank Mendes Gans

A Dutch international cash management services specialist, Bank Mendes Gans (BMG), is implementing a new cash and liquidity management system, SmartStream’s Corona. It will go live in Q4 2016, managing BMG’s 500,000 transactions per month.