
RightCapital integrates with Envestnet | Tamarac API

Thanks to a new partnership between RightCapital and Envestnet | Tamarac, financial advisors on RightCapital’s platform will be able to use Tamarac’s API to directly access account and holdings information from their clients, enabling real-time financial and tax planning advisory, reports David Penn at Finovate (Banking Technology’s sister company). RightCapital’s technology used Monte Carlo simulations to enable […]

Using the web to access online banking? Who is protecting the browser side?

To date, there hasn’t been a way to understand if online users are being compromised or to be sure precisely what they are seeing whilst visiting and interacting with a web page. We know that endpoint security and anti-viruses fail and online users can be infected even with all the precautions that they may take. Server-side security is now very mature and excellent progress has been made in that particular field.

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