
A gift of shoes

Having walked in each other’s shoes you are both a little better at your job now.

Almost soup

Optimism might get you out of your chair and striving for a better tomorrow, but it isn’t optimism that gets you there.

Storytelling for introverts

For the extroverts of all hues, ethnicities, sexualities, identities and faiths, check on your introverted friends.

Friends in low places

If you want something done in a bank you don’t need friends in high places. You need friends in low places.

Another trip around the sun

For our next go-round the sun let’s cherish the things we have and work towards the things we miss.

Situation: not normal

Choose to act towards the next chapter. Choose to live each day of “not normal” as if more than survival is at stake.

Tech for good

Highlighting how tech companies have come to the rescue during the COVID-19 crisis.

The in-between places

#LedaWrites has given me an expansive place where I could reflect, peel back and grow.

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