
People on the Move: Rick Oglesby, Double Diamond Group LLC

Payments industry consulting firm Double Diamond Group LLC has hired Rick Oglesby as senior research analyst and consultant of the recently launched Double Diamond Payments Research, a research division focusing on merchant acceptance trends and analysis.

People on the Move: Joel Leonoff, Optimal Payments

Optimal Payments, a London-based online payments and risk management provider, announced that President and CEO Joel Leonoff was named CEO of the year at the U.K. Stock Market Awards 2014 last month.

People on the Move: Corbin Simon, R&P Group

R&P Group, a Sioux Falls, S.D.-based payments industry recruiting firm, announced that Corbin Simon has earned the Top Producer Award (first quarter 2014) for the Sioux Falls area, from the U.S. Recruiting Network.

Breaking bit

Bitcoin is the poster child of the cryptocurrency world, but it’s not alone. Michael Mainelli and Bob McDowell take a look at the real-world implications of the rise of AltCoins

Microsoft XP Support Ends, Sparking ATM Security Concerns (April 7, 2014)

Microsoft tomorrow will issue the final security update for Windows XP, a 12-year-old product the software giant says no longer suits the risks of today’s computing environments. But millions of computers worldwide are still running XP, including an estimated 95 percent of U.S. ATMs, experts say.

Study Dubs Omnichannel No. 1 Payments Trend (April 7, 2014)

Payments are in the midst of some fundamental changes that will continually reshape the industry landscape for years to come, according to a new white paper from Vantiv Inc., outlining the top 10 payment trends to watch in 2014.

New solutions for optimising cash in the retail industry

Managing cash in stores remains a major challenge for retailers – trapped cash hinders working capital management and is unavailable for investment, debt repayment or business expansion. But new ways are being developed to manage store cash …

Real-time payments: coming to America?

When the US Federal Reserve Banks asked for comments on improving the US payments system, the tech industry and merchants said “let’s go” while the incumbents said “whoa, not so fast” …

Redesigning the retail bank, the Fidor way

Banks must take note of the way that technology is changing how customers interact with the world around them and develop products and services that address their needs rather than the banks’.

You think SEPA is over? Think again

Banks should be wary of jumping the gun and assuming that SEPA implementation is a done deal. Far from being over, the task of learning to live with SEPA is just beginning.