
PayPal Enters into Consent Order with CFPB (May 19, 2015)

PayPal, reportedly, has agreed to a consent order with the CFPB that would require the company to refund $15 million to consumers who were affected by alleged practices that included, among others, enrollment without authorization and deceptive advertising for its PayPal Credit program, previously known as BillMeLater.

The Irresistible Rise of Real-Time Payments

Whatever label you use, instant, immediate, faster or real-time payments have moved to the top of the agenda at every payments-related event so far this year and are sure to be high on the agenda when Swift’s annual Sibos event lands in Singapore in October. Nearing the halfway mark for 2015, here’s a roundup of the stories so far …

Pay Magazine – Spring 2015

Agents of Change: Innovators Talk Disruption vs. Evolution; The Apple Pay Effect; EMV Readiness Report; Market Snapshots: Brazil & Italy; 2015 Paybefore Awards: The Best in 26 Categories; Who Are You Wearing?

Indian bank launches WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter mobile payments

India’s Axis Bank has released a mobile payments service called Ping Pay, which allows customers to send money to each other using Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, email or phone number. The bank says the service will help it to reach young consumers and smartphone users.

People on the Move: Tony Sabetti, CPI Card Group

Littleton, Colo.-based card producer CPI Card Group has hired industry veteran Tony Sabetti to lead CPI’s mobile and NFC market initiatives through CPIMobile, a digital issuance solution using Sequent technology.

Company on the Move: FIME, EMVCo Board of Advisors

FIME, a France-based provider of consulting, test and certification services for payment systems, cards and terminals, has been elected to the EMVCo board of advisors to represent the technical associates for a one-year term.

People on the Move: David Durant, YapStone

YapStone, a global provider of Web and mobile payment technology solutions for large vertical markets and online marketplaces, named David Durant general counsel.

Industry bodies look to harmonise ISO 20022 real-time payment implementation

Global interoperability of real-time payments systems will require harmonisation of market practices and standards. A group of international clearing houses, banks, vendors, payments associations and other parties have proposed setting up an activity to look at how to deliver this under the aegis of the International Standards Organisation – and set an ambitious target of collating an initial variant of ISO 20022 usage guidelines for real-time payments before the summer.

O2 Buys Weve, Ends Telco JV’s M-Payment Plans (May 7, 2015)

Weve, the U.K. telco-led mobile wallet joint venture of O2, Vodafone and EE, this week announced another major reorganization, abandoning its earlier mobile payments ambitions to focus on mobile advertising, under the sole ownership of O2. Set for Full Rollout in U.K. (May 7, 2015)

The U.K. rollout of Visa Europe’s digital wallet is picking up steam, the payments network said, with support from banks representing more than half of the country’s 130 million cardholders and thousands of merchants.

EU Lawmakers Reach Informal PSD2 Agreement (May 7, 2015)

European lawmakers, following years of discussion, believe improved competition, more innovation and enhanced consumer protections in cross-border payments will be the result of an informal agreement on a revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) reached this week.

Innotribe names South African Start-up Challenge finalists

The Innotribe Start-up Challenge attendees selected the five finalists from the African leg of the Start-up Challenge to compete at Sibos Singapore in October. The showcase was held yesterday alongside Swift’s African Regional Conference.

National velocity checking: the answer to MSB money laundering?

Anti-money laundering legislation cuts through the Gordian knot of bringing cases against companies at a stroke – it doesn’t require a ‘controlling mind’. In fact, it almost demands the opposite. A UK-wide system of velocity checking would go further in combating crime and protecting Money Services Businesses.

Bringing the channels together

Can the right combination of self-service device management, cash management and end-to-end transaction monitoring enable banks to embrace enterprise-wide performance awareness, and take a holistic approach to managing their multi-channel banking environments?