
First Data and KeyBank team up for payments and merchant services

US-based First Data and KeyBank have teamed up to offer merchant services to the latter’s commercial, business and government clients across the country. The partnership will allow KeyBank to offer First Data’s entire portfolio of business tools, including the Clover platform which lets business owners accept payments, manage inventory, track sales, and access analytics and […]

Payments drive Fiserv revenue growth

Fiserv’s healthy payments segment has boosted its revenue for the fourth quarter and full year 2016. In its latest results, GAAP revenue increased 5% in Q4 to $1.43 billion, driven by 7% growth in its payments segment and 2% growth in its financial segment, compared to Q4 2015. Full year GAAP revenue saw a rise […]

Investing in Innovation: Payoff ahead

We’re only six weeks into the New Year and already we’ve seen significant activity on the regulatory front in the U.S. and more to come in the U.K. and Europe. Meanwhile, many of the other trends we identified as ones to watch in our Year-in-Review report—bots, blockchain and co-opetition—have been dominating the headlines (along with some major acquisitions). Are you investing in the right places?

Five CSDs go live on Target2-Securities

Five European central securities depositories (CSDs) have migrated their respective communities to live operations on the Target2-Securities (T2S) platform using Swift’s value added network (VAN) solution. OeKB CSD (Austria), Clearstream Banking (Germany), LuxCSD (Luxembourg), Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR (CDCP) (Slovakia) and KDD – Centralna klirinško depotna družba (Slovenia) all migrated over. These five quickly […]

Viewpoint: What Openness Means for Payments, Fintech Future

With regulators opening up the payments infrastructure and consumers and business clients demanding á la carte but interoperable financial services from a variety of players, the industry and its would-be disruptors must adapt.

Prepaid gains more love from Canadians

Reloadable prepaid cards are a hit with Canadian consumers, with 95% of them saying they are satisfied with the products in 2016, reports Banking Technology‘s sister publication Paybefore. The figure represents an increase of 22 percentage points from 2015, and stands as the highest satisfaction rate for all payment tools, according to the second annual […]

PSD2 and the future of payments

Banks need to do more than just comply with the upcoming revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2). To survive, banks will need to embrace these changes.

Revolut rolls out Rita the chatbot greeter

UK-based payments start-up Revolut has unveiled its “human-like” chatbot, Rita, to answer customer queries. Rita – which stands for “Revolut’s Intelligent Troubleshooting Assistant” – is accessible via the mobile app’s messenger support service. Customers can open the app, send Rita a message and get an instant reply. During the pilot scheme, Rita resolved 20% of […]

Prepaid Gains More Love from Canadians, but Bank Execs Might Have Worries

Reloadable prepaid cards are a hit with Canadian consumers, with 95 percent of them saying they are satisfied with the products in 2016. That represents an increase of 22 percentage points from 2015, and stands as the highest satisfaction rate for all payment tools, according to the second annual survey from the Canadian Prepaid Providers Organization.

Temenos cuts jobs in US; eyes D+H payments business

Banking software vendor Temenos is understood to have laid off a number of staff across its operations in the US, including at the Trinovus and Akcelerant subsidiaries. It is also understood to be eyeing the payments business of DH Corporation, Global Transaction Banking Solution (GTBS, formerly Fundtech).

PayPal’s New Pal Is its First Payments Bot

PayPal has a new pal—namely its first bot that enables Slack users to move and manage their money in a conversational and casual style. The PayPal bot is available to 5 million Slack users in Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the U.S.

People on the Move: Maikki Frisk, Mobey Forum

Maikki Frisk has been named executive director of Mobey Forum, the global industry association aimed at helping banks and other financial institutions to lead the future of digital financial services.

People on the Move: Robert Stock, Simility

Fraud detection specialist Simility has announced that financial services veteran Robert Stock has joined the company as head of global business development.

PayPal’s new pal is its first payments bot

PayPal has a new pal – namely its first bot that lets users move and manage their money in a conversational and casual style. It is built on the Slack messaging platform, which has five million daily active users and lets teams centralise conversations. With the bot, people can send money between PayPal accounts without […]

WorldRemit brings instant money transfers to CIS markets

Digital money transfer service WorldRemit is now available in Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, expanding its partnership with the Russian “Contact” payment system. The development follows WorldRemit’s recent service launch across Russia in collaboration with Contact. The firm’s users can now send money to be collected as cash pick up at more than 3,000 locations […]

Amazon Hits another High Note with Payments

In yet another sign that simplifying checkout for consumers is key to driving e-commerce payments, Amazon on Feb. 7 said that more than 33 million consumers have used its Amazon Payments service since its launch in 2013—and that the volume of payments “nearly doubled” in 2016 compared with the previous year. But don’t count on the e-commerce giant to be content with online payments alone.

Payments start-up Fire fires up

Fire Financial Services – now trading as Fire – has launched and is targeting the UK and Irish markets with a digital account. Colm Lyon, founder and CEO at Fire, says: “It has taken some time for us to reach this day – several years of trying and getting it wrong.” Now the business has […]

Modern payments and banking APIs

Modern banking is not limited to banks anymore. It’s not only about online or mobile banking, it’s about all the things you would do in your banking system, but now you can do in apps or other solutions provided by third parties, not banks. Payments are one of such functionalities.

Consumer Groups Cry Foul as House Joins Senate Push for Prepaid Rule Repeal

The CFPB’s final prepaid rule is turning out to be unpopular with the current U.S. Congress: A U.S. representative has followed the lead of a Senate colleague and filed a joint resolution to repeal the rule, which has attracted criticism from industry groups since the agency released it last year. But consumer groups, who lobbied for the rules, are attacking the effort, arguing that it would put consumers at risk.

Appeals Court Denies Efforts to Defend CFPB in PHH Case

Efforts by three different parties to defend the CFPB were thwarted Feb. 2 when a federal appeals court denied the motions to submit briefs on behalf of the CFPB in PHH Corp., et al.v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The Monday mindset: 6 February 2017

Fintech zeitgeist! Welcome to the third in a new series of brief reports. Every Monday, we might look back at last week; look ahead to this week; share a few thoughts (our own or others); or discuss anything that catches our eye. This week we welcome the views of guest writer Soumik Roy on India’s latest budget and its implications for e-payments and digital economy.

Klarna acquires BillPay

Sweden-based payments provider Klarna has acquired a fellow payments company in Germany, BillPay. The deal is understood to be worth £60 million.

The European Banking Authority favours arbitrary box-ticking over data innovation

The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently proposed new rules that would require payment card operators to enforce additional security measures, such as passwords or security tokens, for all online transactions over €10, aimed at fraud prevention. This is a clumsy solution to a problem that is already being addressed by far more sophisticated means, argues Nick Wallace, senior policy analyst at Centre for Data Innovation, and policymakers should reject the EBA’s proposal.

Can Sen. Perdue Undo CFPB Prepaid Accounts Rule?

For those disappointed that President Trump’s regulatory relief executive orders wouldn’t extend to prepaid providers—and others covered under the CFPB’s final prepaid accounts rule—Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) may be coming to the rescue. On Feb. 1, Sen. Perdue, along with six co-sponsors, introduced joint resolution 19 that provides “congressional disapproval” for the rule, and which says that “such rule shall have no force or effect.”

CFPB Orders UniRush, Mastercard to Pay $13 Million over RushCard Outage

The CFPB is “putting the prepaid industry on notice that companies will face the consequences if consumers are denied access to their money or to the services they pay for and on which they have the right to depend.” In its first enforcement action against prepaid providers, the bureau on Feb. 1 announced that UniRush and Mastercard will pay a combined $13 million for a 2015 service disruption that left cardholders without access to their funds.

Barclaycard Teams with VocaLink for Mobile Payments

Barclaycard is partnering with VocaLink to enable its merchants to accept mobile payments through the Pay by Bank app. The app, created by VocaLink’s payment innovation team Zapp, will enable shoppers to pay for goods and services on a mobile device, without the need to enter credit or debit card details, according to Paybefore sister publication Banking Technology.

India Developing Insurance Framework for M-Wallets

Amid India’s recent boom in m-wallet transaction volume following a government discontinuation of two popular currency notes, the government now is considering developing an insurance framework for mobile wallet and electronic transactions. Government officials from the IT Ministry already have begun discussions with m-wallet providers and insurance companies on how to insure money in the wallet apps, according to The Financial Express.

Anglo-American alliance aims to advance payments

British and American governments, businesses, and others have formed P20 – a group of “influential leaders” and the “first” Transatlantic payments initiative of its kind. Its inaugural meeting is to be held in autumn 2017 in London, where 20 people in the payments industry, and US/UK government officials and regulators will meet. It will rotate […]

India Post Payments Bank launches pilot services

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has launched and is rolling out pilot services in Raipur and Ranchi. IPPB is the third payments bank to be authorised in India, and follows on the heels of Paytm (launched last year) and Airtel (opened for business this year). IPPB’s chief executive officer, A P Singh, says: “The idea […]

Barclaycard teams with VocaLink for mobile payments

Barclaycard is partnering with VocaLink to enable its merchants to accept mobile payments through Pay by Bank app. Pay by Bank app, created by VocaLink’s payment innovation team Zapp, will allow shoppers to pay for goods and services on a mobile device, without the need to enter credit or debit card details. Rajiv Garodia, managing […]