
Credit Suisse strengthens SmartStream deal for derivatives brokerage fees

SmartStream Technologies, the financial transaction lifecycle management (TLM) solutions provider, has revealed that its original agreement with Credit Suisse was recently expanded to include the processing of listed derivatives brokerage fees which began in February of this year.

Sibos 2017: web’s future “in the balance”

The cross-border, centralised nature of the world wide web is “absolutely in the balance” right now, warned Sir Tim Berners-Lee, its inventor, yesterday (17 October) at the Sibos conference in Toronto.

Old world aces new world

With sizeable market shares, China’s mobile payments giants Alipay and WeChat Pay are seeking international expansion. What’s next for the tech giants?

Open banking: nothing personal

Financial authorities globally are promoting open banking. While it represents a shift in the mindset of traditional banks, Heather McKenzie, editor of Daily News at Sibos, finds they may be up to the challenge.

Low cost correspondent Swift access

Swift has launched Correspondent Banking Suite, a solution targeting small to medium sized correspondent banks that are seeking cost-effective access to the Swift network.

Daily News at Sibos 2017 – Day 3

Read our third Daily News at Sibos edition of the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto – all the latest news and analysis from Swift’s premier event of the year. Free to read online or pick up a complimentary print copy if you are at Sibos!

Compliance: back to basics

Ensuring security on Swift’s network doesn’t have to be rocket science. Getting the basics right will help individual institutions and Swift’s community.

Challenger bank BFC edges towards 2018 launch

BFC Bank, a subsidiary of the Bahrain Financing Company money transfer group, has completed its mobilisation process and is preparing for a launch in early 2018. As reported last year, BFC received authorisation from the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). After an initial “soft launch” for selected companies (such as SMEs […]

LA Ledger group calls for more participants

The Liquidity Alliance group of central securities depositories (CSDs) has called for further participants in their distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based LA Ledger prototype for cross-border mobilisation of security collateral.

DTCC assess fintech impact on stability

While financial technology startups and established players vie for attention on the exhibition floor at Sibos, the impact of fintech on financial stability is the subject of a new white paper from The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC).

Pelican unveils “innovation hub” fintech partnership model for banks

Pelican, a provider of artificial intelligence (AI) powered payments and financial crime compliance solutions for banks and corporates, has launched its Pelican Innovation Hub. The hub is not one in the traditional sense – i.e. a place for start-ups to turn up wearing jeans and get all creative. Pelican’s version is a partnership model as […]

IBM and eight banks unleash platform for blockchain-powered commerce

IBM and eight banks have unveiled – the new name for their Digital Trade Chain shared platform using distributed ledger technology (DLT) for domestic and cross-border commerce. Since January 2017, a group of seven banks (Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Societe Generale and UniCredit), together with IBM, have been developing the Digital Trade […]

Sibos 2017: APIs – a holistic approach

In today’s (17 October) session at Sibos, API in financial services: the key to the future?, the discussion panel participants were in agreement on the following: if your want your API strategy to work, you’ve got to have a holistic approach to it across the organisation.

De-risking in trade finance: time to act

As financial authorities express concern about de-risking in correspondent banking, a similar phenomenon is emerging in trade finance, driven by the high costs of KYC compliance.

BNP Paribas and EY explore private blockchain for treasury operations

BNP Paribas ALM Treasury and EY have completed a pilot demonstrating the use of blockchain to improve global internal treasury operations for the bank. The ALM Treasury department, which manages the bank’s internal ops, at the service of all three operating divisions of the group, carried out the pilot, tested internally this summer. According to […]

BIAN unveils API-ready release to boost cloud banking ambitions

The Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN), a not-for-profit fintech industry body, has launched its latest release of its service landscape. Termed SL 6.0, the framework is designed to provide a “globally standardised and simplified” banking architecture structure, using a service-based architecture.

KYC Registry aligns with Wolfsberg DDQ

Swift is aligning its KYC Registry with the new Wolfsberg Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) for correspondent banks. First issued in 2004, the DDQ was updated in response to regulatory pressure.

Sibos 2017: collaboration vital to avoid dinosaur status

The question of whether – and in what form – banks will survive in the future depends largely on how the forces of changing customer behaviour, technology and regulation will play out on different types of banks.

Sibos 2017: Swift’s Sibos vs Ripple’s Swell

The distributed ledger technology (DLT) firm Ripple has attracted attention on the opening day of this year’s Sibos with its cars outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) ferrying people back and forth to its own rival Swell event downtown.

ECB targets new RTGS platform

The European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) governing council will decide by the end of this year whether to greenlight a new real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system to replace the decade-old Target2 platform.

Daily News at Sibos 2017 – Day 2

Read our second Daily News at Sibos edition of the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto – all the latest news and analysis from Swift’s premier event of the year. Free to read online or pick up a complimentary print copy if you are at Sibos!

Regtech to the rescue

Regulatory technology (regtech) is often cited as the answer to the rising cost of compliance, risk and reporting duties at banks. Will it help financial institutions escape IT silos and enhance control over data?

Instant payments in Europe: moving from theory to practice

We live in impatient times – everyone wants to be able to pay who they want when they want, instantly and regardless of location. The UK has had instant payments since 2008; Faster Payments volumes have exceeded all predictions and now exceed 135 million per month.

EastNets unveils real-time fraud detection solution

EastNets has launched its en.SafeWatch PaymentGuard (en.SWPG) at Sibos, a real-time fraud detection solution for Swift payments. The company says en.SWPG is a new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution, that can sort out “genuine transactions from suspicious ones and reduces the number of false positives”. Hazem Mulhim, CEO, EastNets, says it “recognises the mounting salience of […]