Stock Exchange

Flash Boys ‘star’ Ronan Ryan says market better off without HFT

One of the central characters featured in Michael Lewis’ controversial book Flash Boys, has added fuel to the fire of debate over high frequency trading by claiming that in a market with less HFT, average order sizes would get larger and long-term investors would benefit.

MiFID II may cause pain in the dark

New EU regulations on market making and dark pools could be damaging investor choice and forcing participants to make decisions that are not in their best interests.

Algo tagging: where’s the logic in that?

When the requirement brought about by the German high frequency trading act to tag algorithms comes into force this month, market participants may well feel hamstrung by the complexity of the regime – and some might wonder whether this requirement goes one step too far …

Firms still struggling with SEFs for swaps trading says IPC survey

Trading firms are still struggling with the Dodd-Frank requirement for certain swaps to be traded on registered Swap Execution Facilities. According to a survey conducted by trading communications vendor IPC Systems, 60% of survey respondents said the industry as a whole was behind on meeting the deadlines on SEF trading, though only 39% said their […]

EU financial markets – from fragmentation to harmony?

Consolidation of market infrastructure in Europe will continue, as firms choose post-trade service providers that meet their needs in terms of cost-effectiveness or value-added services. However, some of the real cost issues in Europe are still to be addressed.

EBS rolls out mobile FX app

FX trading service EBS has launched Watch EBS, a new mobile app that is designed to show users the global spot FX market in as close to real time as possible.

Outfoxing the fixed income fracas

Fixed income is a bit like the tortoise of Aesop’s fables, while equities is unquestionably the rambunctious hare. While equities finished the race towards an agency trading model many years ago, fixed income is just plodding onto the starting lines now. But a little outsourcing may provide the rocket boost the industry needs to push ahead, according to Carl James, managing director of dealing services UK at BNP Paribas.

BGC Partners to launch Islamic murabaha contracts in Dubai

US broker BGC Partners and UAE government-run free zone the Dubai Multi Commodity Centre have done a deal to promote Islamic ‘Murabaha’ products, as part of a drive to turn Dubai into an Islamic finance hub. The DMCC has a trade platform called DMCC Tradeflow, which operates in the Jumeirah Lakes Towers Free Zone. A […]

Japan’s TSE offers latency management tools to users

The Tokyo Stock Exchange has begun offering latency performance management as a service to users of its Arrownet network, which the exchange says will help market participants gain deeper insights into the quality of their trading and market data communications between the TSE and their own systems.

Greece’s derivatives market adopts LSE reporting service

Greece’s Hellenic Exchanges Group, which runs the Athens Stock Exchange and Athens Derivatives Exchange, has chosen to buy services from the London Stock Exchange to help it cope with tough new European trade reporting rules.

Futures algos come of age

Long-only institutional investors are increasingly turning towards advanced futures trading strategies that have previously been the preserve of hedge funds and proprietary trading shops, according to a new report published by Tabb Group and Fidessa.

Euronext launches foreign open-ended funds in Paris

European exchange group Euronext is planning to begin trading active open-end funds on its Paris market following a legislative decree in France allowing the funds to be traded on exchanges or MTFs.

FIX adopts Market Model Typology as post-trade reporting standard

The Market Model Typology post-trade reporting standard has been adopted as a standard by the FIX Trading Community and is now available for adoption by all market participants, bringing the possibility of a European consolidated post-trade tape a step closer.

How many sides can you put on a coin?

There are two sides to every coin, but with Bitcoin those sides simply could not be farther apart. Its promise is extraordinary: for those afraid of inflation, it is gold redux, while for those who hate exchange rates, it is a way to pay internationally. For merchants it is a way of avoiding high transaction fees and for former Presidential hopeful Ron Paul, it is the destruction of the US Dollar.

Saxo Bank ‘likes’ social media trading

Denmark’s Saxo Bank has built an online social trading community called, which draws on social media concepts such as LinkedIn and blogging alongside Bloomberg/Reuters style market data and news in an attempt to make trading more ‘social’.

Swiss Zürcher Kantonalbank targets trade speed with Corvil

Switzerland’s Zürcher Kantonalbank has installed a performance monitoring system from latency management specialist firm Corvil to monitor the performance of its market making and FX business, including market data quality, transaction analysis and FX order flow.

LSE reforms international order book as T+2 draws near

The London Stock Exchange has introduced a set of changes for its international order book, including a shift to T+2 settlement, a reduction in tick sizes and changed opening hours, ahead of upcoming EU regulations designed to harmonise settlement across Europe.

No SEFs please, we’re bankers …

Most banks are still not ready for the arrival of Swap Execution Facilities, the new category of trading venues created by the Dodd-Frank act in the US to handle OTC derivatives. Worse still, market participants are almost universally negative about SEFs, according to a new paper by research house GreySpark Partners.

Aizawa Securities fuels expansion plans with Fidessa algos

Japan’s Aizawa Securities has chosen vendor Fidessa as its new proprietary and wholesale agency trading system, as the Japanese firm prepares to revamp its algo trading against the backdrop of last year’s Japan Exchange Group merger and the upcoming integration of the derivatives market in two months’ time.

ICE reveals a design for Liffe

IntercontinentalExchange has revealed further details of its plans for Liffe, following its acquisition of NYSE Euronext in November.

Global exchanges get together to address cyber threat

The World Federation of Exchanges has set up a Cyber Security Working Group with a “mission to aid in the protection of the global capital markets” in the wake of a number of attacks on international exchanges over the past few years.

Bitcoin boom prompts banking dilemma

Bitcoin is more traceable but less regulated, less expensive but more volatile, and more decentralised but less accountable, than a regular currency. Feeling confused? That’s not the half of it, according to Ernst & Young.

Caplin targets regional banks with FX platform as a service

Smaller regional banks may want a single-dealer FX platform; unfortunately, they’re not cheap, so UK technology company Caplin Systems is targeting regional banks that want a single-dealer FX platform without building it themselves.

Taiwan Futures Exchange and Eurex to launch joint venture in May

The Taiwan Futures Exchange and Eurex, Deutsche Börse’s international derivatives market, plan to launch a cross-listing link 15 May 2014. With this link, Eurex Exchange will list TAIEX index futures and options as daily expiring futures on Eurex. Derivatives on the TAIEX index are one of the most heavily traded Asian equity index contracts. Andreas […]

London calling to the Chinese renminbi

Standard Chartered and Agricultural Bank of China have launched renminbi-denominated clearing services in the UK in a deal that reflects the ongoing internationalisation of the currency.

Turquoise triples turnover with revamped dark trading service

European equity market Turquoise has reported a drastic increase in dark trading volumes following the relaunch of its ‘dark’ pool Uncross service. Banking Technology spoke to Robert Barnes, new chief executive at Turquoise, to find out why.

Breaking dawn: the new reality for the buy-side

Enlightened buy-side firms are facing the challenges of high-touch regulation, fragmented liquidity and ongoing cost pressures head on and developing new business models and approaches at every stage of their workflow.

Fidessa and Celent call for MiFID II clemency on dark pools

Regulators should consider carefully the implications of their actions, and not be too hasty to censure or restrict trading activity on dark pools, according to a report released by analyst firm Celent this week. The findings have been supported by senior financial services executives at Fidessa, who have called for investor choice to be maintained.

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