
The big fight brewing over strong customer authentication

Late last year, Visa fired a volley – unlikely to be the last – over new rules that it and all providers of online transactions will soon need to follow as part of the EU’s revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2). It has some doom-laden predictions.

Banking Technology March 2017 issue out now

The latest edition of our flagship magazine – Banking Technology – is out now, packed with news, analysis and insights, case studies, research and expert commentary.

Banks not fine with $321bn paid in fines

Banks are stumbling along amidst the cumulative financial penalties of $321 billion handed out to them since the financial crisis. In a new report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) – “Global Risk 2017:  Staying the Course in Banking” – it says “prudent operations will be required to avoid the errors of the past” and […]

Silvergate Bank overhauls front-to-back office tech with FIS

California’s Silvergate Bank has implemented a suite of systems from FIS in a major tech overhaul – from a new core banking system to branch, digital and mobile banking, compliance and risk. The new core banking platform – FIS’s Horizon – will let the bank “streamline” its third party systems, such as account opening and […]

Nordea preps for PSD2 with open banking portal

Nordea has released the first version of its open banking portal targeted towards external developers, as it gets ready for the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) requirements. Currently the site has “limited functionality” but unspecified pilot activities will be conducted through the portal during 2017, in advance of a full launch in Q1 2018. Jarkko Turunen, […]

Prepaid Complaints Remain Low in Latest CFPB Monthly Snapshot

Complaints about prepaid products went down again from November 2016 through January 2017, with the CFPB reporting a monthly average of 206 prepaid-related complaints in that period, down from 237 per month during the same period a year earlier.

UK and Canada buddy up for fintech businesses

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Canada’s Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) have signed a new co-operation agreement to help fintech firms. The deal will enable fintech businesses in both countries to seek support from the financial regulators in each other’s market. It will also help reduce regulatory uncertainty and time to market for firms. Christopher […]

Must-Reads of the Month: February

See what’s hot on this month, including Global Cash Card’s win against onerous payroll card regulations in New York; the CFPB fending off attacks on multiple fronts; a new Blackhawk same-day rebates program; and more.

APRA’s EFS Form Review consultation: first stage of a long road

On 16 January 2017, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) released for public consultation its Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) Form Review. Notably, this consultation package represents a major overhaul of many of the financial and statistical returns currently prepared by the Australian authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) as well as introducing a new set of returns to be submitted. We examine what’s at stake.

European Online Transaction Rule Revised after Payments Industry Complaints

After absorbing hundreds of complaints from the payments industry, the European Banking Authority will relax its pending customer authentication rules for online transactions. But given the rise in popularity of online shopping, the new threshold of 30 euros before two-factor authentication is required may not be enough to assuage industry concerns.

Payments round-up: 21 February 2017

One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do… so three stories in one will do better. Here’s a round-up of key events to save you time. Featuring Macquarie Bank, Apple Pay and more. The European Banking Authority (EBA) has relaxed its planned rules for increasing choice in how consumers pay for services and products […]

Swift’s KYC registers right notes with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

A number of banks in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have signed up to use Swift’s Know Your Customer (KYC) Registry, a centralised repository that maintains a standardised set of information about correspondent banks, funds distributors and custodians required for due diligence processes. In both deals, Swift worked with its business partner in the Central Asia region, […]

IAG to launch insurtech hub in Singapore

Insurance Australia Group (IAG) is looking to build an insurtech hub in Singapore. The new unit, Firemark Labs, will act as an incubator for IAG and help teamwork between start-ups and research and tech partners for new products and services across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Julie Batch, chief customer officer, IAG, says “customer lifestyles […]

N.Y. Grants Global Cash Card Petition against Labor Dept. Paycard Regs

Payroll card providers that operate in New York can breathe a huge sigh of relief. Global Cash Card tells Paybefore that its petition against the New York Department of Labor payroll card regulations due to go into effect on March 7, 2017, has been granted. The industry had been raising red flags about the regulations, which many feared would result in providers exiting the market, since first proposed in 2015.

CFPB Seeks Help in Tackling Thin-, No-File Challenge

In a Feb. 16 field hearing, the CFPB said it wants industry input on using alternative data to help thin- or no-file consumers build credit scores. It’s a challenge that many in the prepaid industry have been trying to solve for years to better serve cardholders who often are among the approximately 26 million U.S. consumers who don’t have a credit history and another 19 million consumers whose credit histories are insufficient to produce a credit score, according to CFPB estimates.

Blockchain and Bitcoin round-up: 15 February 2017

Life is a cabaret… and a fast one at that. Here’s a round-up of key events to save you time. Featuring KPMG, Microsoft, Hyperledger and more. Japan’s largest Bitcoin exchange Bitflyer has finished a new ¥200 million ($1.75 million) funding round from Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Mizuho Capital and SMBC Venture Capital. The banks’ backing […]

Japan seeks stronger ties to Iran’s central bank

Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) is looking to work closer on banking supervision with the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI). The pair have exchanged letters on co-operation and the plan is to examine the performance of their respective duties for the “safe and sound functioning” of banking organisations in their countries. […]

White House: CFPB Exempt from ‘1 In, 2 Out’ Rule

The CFPB is not required to comply with President Trump’s executive order limiting new regulations, according to a memorandum from The White House. Trump’s order—which requires covered agencies to repeal two regulations for every one new regulation adopted—does not apply to the CFPB, which is considered an independent agency.

Voting Results: Compliance Titans of Payments

Keeping current with the myriad and constantly changing rules and regulations in the payments industry is no easy feat. It takes special people who are sharp and determined to understand and navigate the legal minutiae and how they applies to their organizations or those of their clients. Paybefore is highlighting the achievements of these Compliance Titans, and we need your help.

Data gets greater with new Singapore group

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has set up a new Data Analytics Group (DAG) with effect from 15 March 2017 as it looks to improve the financial sector and digital economy. DAG will use data analytics for insights, “enhance the supervision” of financial institutions, make regulatory compliance better for financial institutions, and improve work […]

FCA: experimenting in the sandbox

2017 looks set to be the year in which a number of different jurisdictions vie to become the natural home of the financial technology sector. To help ensure that London remains fintech-friendly, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has created the “regulatory sandbox”.

Global ATM Hacker Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison

The ringleader of three highly organized, global cyberattacks on ATMs resulting in $55 million in losses was sentenced Feb. 10 to eight years in prison and ordered to pay more than $55 million in restitution.

Investing in Innovation: Payoff ahead

We’re only six weeks into the New Year and already we’ve seen significant activity on the regulatory front in the U.S. and more to come in the U.K. and Europe. Meanwhile, many of the other trends we identified as ones to watch in our Year-in-Review report—bots, blockchain and co-opetition—have been dominating the headlines (along with some major acquisitions). Are you investing in the right places?

PSD2 and the future of payments

Banks need to do more than just comply with the upcoming revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2). To survive, banks will need to embrace these changes.

Consumer Groups Cry Foul as House Joins Senate Push for Prepaid Rule Repeal

The CFPB’s final prepaid rule is turning out to be unpopular with the current U.S. Congress: A U.S. representative has followed the lead of a Senate colleague and filed a joint resolution to repeal the rule, which has attracted criticism from industry groups since the agency released it last year. But consumer groups, who lobbied for the rules, are attacking the effort, arguing that it would put consumers at risk.

Appeals Court Denies Efforts to Defend CFPB in PHH Case

Efforts by three different parties to defend the CFPB were thwarted Feb. 2 when a federal appeals court denied the motions to submit briefs on behalf of the CFPB in PHH Corp., et al.v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The European Banking Authority favours arbitrary box-ticking over data innovation

The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently proposed new rules that would require payment card operators to enforce additional security measures, such as passwords or security tokens, for all online transactions over €10, aimed at fraud prevention. This is a clumsy solution to a problem that is already being addressed by far more sophisticated means, argues Nick Wallace, senior policy analyst at Centre for Data Innovation, and policymakers should reject the EBA’s proposal.

Can Sen. Perdue Undo CFPB Prepaid Accounts Rule?

For those disappointed that President Trump’s regulatory relief executive orders wouldn’t extend to prepaid providers—and others covered under the CFPB’s final prepaid accounts rule—Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) may be coming to the rescue. On Feb. 1, Sen. Perdue, along with six co-sponsors, introduced joint resolution 19 that provides “congressional disapproval” for the rule, and which says that “such rule shall have no force or effect.”

CFPB Orders UniRush, Mastercard to Pay $13 Million over RushCard Outage

The CFPB is “putting the prepaid industry on notice that companies will face the consequences if consumers are denied access to their money or to the services they pay for and on which they have the right to depend.” In its first enforcement action against prepaid providers, the bureau on Feb. 1 announced that UniRush and Mastercard will pay a combined $13 million for a 2015 service disruption that left cardholders without access to their funds.

UK watchdog driving open banking revolution

The UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) says its banking “final order” is giving people greater control over their money and reckons the open banking revolution is getting closer. As Banking Technology reported in August, the CMA unveiled its plans to make banks “work harder for customers” and ensure the “benefits of new technology are […]

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