
Drowning in regulation

With more and more regulations being added and enforced, how can companies keep up?

PSD2: regulation as a catalyst for innovation

PSD2 comes into force on 13 January 2018. It aims to open up the European payments market to greater competition and transparency, but its effect will be more far-reaching, acting as a catalyst for innovation not just in payments, but in the wider financial services market.

Infographic: GDPR & B2B marketers – less aware but more prepared

According to the latest research by DMA, a UK trade association for the one-to-one marketing industry, those in the B2B space are trailing slightly when it comes to having a detailed awareness of what the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws entail.

EC’s PSD2 regulatory technical standards set for 2019

With PSD2 on its way in January next year, the European Commission has confirmed the deadline for its regulatory technical standards (RTS) will be around September 2019. By way of recap, the security measures outlined in RTS stem from two key objectives of PSD2: “ensuring consumer protection and enhancing competition”. RTS introduces requirements that payment […]

Debunking six myths on regulatory sandboxes

We are living through a period of unprecedented innovation in finance, and regulators know they need to adapt to keep up with the fast pace of change. To understand and manage the risks posed by new products, services, and business models, many financial authorities are setting up regulatory sandboxes or reglabs.

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