
Blockchain: a world of possibilities

Amid the hype around distributed ledger technology and blockchain it can seem they are technologies looking for solutions. In the heavily paper-based business of trade finance, such technology looks promising and progress is being made elsewhere.

Daily News at Sibos 2017 – Day 4

Read our fourth and final Daily News at Sibos edition of the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto – all the latest news and analysis from Swift’s premier event of the year. Free to read online or pick up a complimentary print copy if you are at Sibos!

Sibos 2017: treasurers look to tech to untangle knots

Untangling the “knots” at global treasuries, especially with regard to bank maintenance issues around know your customer (KYC) and other compliance activities, was the theme of a corporate treasury session yesterday (18 October) at Sibos.

Sibos 2017: NPP a marathon, not a sprint

Payments industry participants in countries about to embark on, or in the early days of, real-time and instant payments infrastructure projects should acknowledge that “it doesn’t all have to happen on day one”.

SmartContract unveils PoC

SmartContract, which enables computable smart contracts, has unveiled a new a proof of concept (PoC) for making/using smart contracts with Swift.

Sibos 2017: the future of money

What’s more valuable today, data or money? Today’s “The Future of Money” discussion at Sibos had “the new oil” – data – firmly in its sights.

Sibos 2017: embrace the change or get out of the way!

At today’s (18 October) panel discussion at Sibos, user experience (UX) and organisational culture were put to the fore. What does it take to create a simple yet meaningful UX? And what role does an organisational culture play in it?

Sberbank and Swift sign memorandum of co-operation for product push

Sberbank and Swift have signed a memorandum of co-operation regarding the development and piloting of products created and promoted by Swift. With fintech hugs sweeping Sibos and the planet, the parties agreed to co-ordinate steps to assess the potential application of blockchain in interbank settlement platforms. In particular, Sberbank joined the international group of financial […]

Instant payments in Europe: a recipe for success

There is intense interest in instant payments (IP) throughout Europe. Domestic schemes are already live in the UK, Denmark, Poland and Sweden. The success of these schemes shows what’s possible but also teaches many lessons.

JP Morgan’s Quorum blockchain powers new correspondent banking network

JP Morgan, and Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), have launched the Interbank Information Network (IIN) – using blockchain for the payments process. According to JP Morgan, processing global payments is very complex. Multiple layers of communication occur amongst payment participants to verify and process transactions. By using […]

Interview: Fabian Vandenreydt, B-Hive

In an exclusive interview with Daily News at Sibos, Fabian Vandenreydt, executive chairman of collaborative innovation platform B-Hive, explains what it’s doing for creativity and how it will form a separate company for scale-ups.

Sibos 2017: web’s future “in the balance”

The cross-border, centralised nature of the world wide web is “absolutely in the balance” right now, warned Sir Tim Berners-Lee, its inventor, yesterday (17 October) at the Sibos conference in Toronto.

Open banking: nothing personal

Financial authorities globally are promoting open banking. While it represents a shift in the mindset of traditional banks, Heather McKenzie, editor of Daily News at Sibos, finds they may be up to the challenge.

Daily News at Sibos 2017 – Day 3

Read our third Daily News at Sibos edition of the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto – all the latest news and analysis from Swift’s premier event of the year. Free to read online or pick up a complimentary print copy if you are at Sibos!

LA Ledger group calls for more participants

The Liquidity Alliance group of central securities depositories (CSDs) has called for further participants in their distributed ledger technology (DLT)-based LA Ledger prototype for cross-border mobilisation of security collateral.

Deutsche Bank unveils first paperless import payment solution in India

Deutsche Bank has launched the “first” paperless import payment solution in India with its TradePay system. TradePay uses the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Import Data Processing and Monitoring System (IDPMS) to verify import payments by checking them against details made available by the client on the system, “eliminating the need for clients to share […]

Alastria blockchain consortium springs up in Spain

A variety of Spanish banking, energy and telecommunications companies have established Alastria, the “world’s first regulated national network based on blockchain”. The non-profit consortium will develop distributed ledger technology (DLT), which it believes is “set to become the new data exchange ecosystem”. As reported in May, the group created Red Lyra, the “first multisector technology […]

Standard Chartered gets personalised for investment ideas in Asia

This time it’s personal. Standard Chartered has launched a digital wealth management tool that can customise investment ideas in a lively and rapid manner. Called Personalised Investment Ideas (PII), the idea is to help “priority banking” clients respond faster to market opportunities with automated investment ideas based on considerations such as their risk profile and […]

DTCC assess fintech impact on stability

While financial technology startups and established players vie for attention on the exhibition floor at Sibos, the impact of fintech on financial stability is the subject of a new white paper from The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC).

Pelican unveils “innovation hub” fintech partnership model for banks

Pelican, a provider of artificial intelligence (AI) powered payments and financial crime compliance solutions for banks and corporates, has launched its Pelican Innovation Hub. The hub is not one in the traditional sense – i.e. a place for start-ups to turn up wearing jeans and get all creative. Pelican’s version is a partnership model as […]

IBM and eight banks unleash platform for blockchain-powered commerce

IBM and eight banks have unveiled – the new name for their Digital Trade Chain shared platform using distributed ledger technology (DLT) for domestic and cross-border commerce. Since January 2017, a group of seven banks (Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Societe Generale and UniCredit), together with IBM, have been developing the Digital Trade […]

Sibos 2017: APIs – a holistic approach

In today’s (17 October) session at Sibos, API in financial services: the key to the future?, the discussion panel participants were in agreement on the following: if your want your API strategy to work, you’ve got to have a holistic approach to it across the organisation.

BNP Paribas and EY explore private blockchain for treasury operations

BNP Paribas ALM Treasury and EY have completed a pilot demonstrating the use of blockchain to improve global internal treasury operations for the bank. The ALM Treasury department, which manages the bank’s internal ops, at the service of all three operating divisions of the group, carried out the pilot, tested internally this summer. According to […]

BIAN unveils API-ready release to boost cloud banking ambitions

The Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN), a not-for-profit fintech industry body, has launched its latest release of its service landscape. Termed SL 6.0, the framework is designed to provide a “globally standardised and simplified” banking architecture structure, using a service-based architecture.

Sibos 2017: Swift’s Sibos vs Ripple’s Swell

The distributed ledger technology (DLT) firm Ripple has attracted attention on the opening day of this year’s Sibos with its cars outside the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) ferrying people back and forth to its own rival Swell event downtown.