
SIX teams with DTCC to issue legal entity identifiers in Switzerland

SIX Securities Services, which runs the central securities depository (CSD) for Switzerland, is partnering with the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) to offer legal entity identifiers (LEIs) for Swiss entities. According to SIX, LEIs were devised to provide insight into corporate entities with the aim of reducing cross-platform risk exposure. By providing LEIs together, […]

UK’s Financial Conduct Authority gets persistent on credit card debt

Credit card firms have come in for a kicking as the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has proposed new rules to help customers who are in persistent debt. This move follows the FCA’s study of the UK credit card market, which found “significant concerns” about the scale, extent and nature of problem credit card debt. […]

Regulation and Prepaid Dominate the Conversation in 2017

A look at the most popular Viewpoints in Pay Op-Ed so far in 2017 shows two clear trends of thought: What will happen to the CFPB and payments under the Trump administration, and how can prepaid providers reach more consumers and increase profitability?

Don’t get miffed, get MiFID II authorisation

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published its near final rules on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) II and encourages firms to submit applications for authorisation. These rules include changes to the trading of financial instruments – such as issues affecting trading venues, transparency of trading and algorithmic and high frequency trading. […]

Humour the consumer with KPMG and ATB Financial innovation challenge

ATB Financial has joined forces with KPMG in Canada and fintech matchmaking firm Matchi to run a “Customer Onboarding Innovation Challenge”. The challenge is free to enter and open to any firm that has developed and built a solution in one of the four categories: Know your customer (KYC) – ideally the solution will be […]

CASS plays Casanova to CMA’s current account commitments

The UK’s Current Account Switch Service (CASS) says it meets one of the commitments set out in response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) final report into retail banking. As Banking Technology reported in January, the CMA accepted undertakings from the Bacs payment scheme, which owns and manages CASS, that commit it to delivering […]

Federal Judge Dismisses CFPB Suit against Payments Processor

A federal judge has dismissed an unfair practices lawsuit filed by the CFPB against a North Dakota-based payment processor. The federal agency had accused Intercept Corp. of permitting unauthorized and other illegal withdrawals from consumer accounts by its clients.

UK’s Financial Conduct Authority selects Cognizant for tech revamp

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has chosen Cognizant for an overhaul of its core IT applications and quality assurance processes related to the agency’s market surveillance, supervisory analysis, reporting and risk management functions. This three-year agreement builds on the FCA’s ongoing relationship with Cognizant which began in 2011, when it was selected as one […]

ClauseMatch right match for Barclays compliance

Barclays has chosen smart document management provider ClauseMatch for handling policies and standards in one place with a new online editor. London-based ClauseMatch, a 2014 graduate of the inaugural Barclays accelerator programme, will provide its editor to the bank. This tool turns a “fragmented workflow” of Word documents, PDFs and e-mails and replaces them with […]

A vaccination for financial crime

ransaction monitoring is emerging as one of the top priorities for banks and other financial institutions. Some now employ up to three per cent of their workforce to track financial crime. But, as leadership teams look to increase the effectiveness of their processes in the face of regulatory scrutiny and reduce costs, are there lessons to be learnt from health industry and its battle against infectious diseases?

Responsibility isn’t about rules

What can banks learn from the fintech community when it comes to fostering a culture of innovation against a backdrop of regulation?

House of Lords calls for action on UK financial exclusion

The House of Lords Financial Exclusion Committee is calling for the UK Government, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and banks to give greater priority to tackling financial exclusion. In its new report, “Tackling financial exclusion: A country that works for everyone?”, the Lords want an end to the “scandal of the poorest being excluded from […]

SIX picks IBM Watson for cybercrime fight

SIX Securities Services, Switzerland’s post-trade market infrastructure, will use IBM Watson for its new cognitive security operations centre (SOC). The new facility will be housed at SIX’s offices in Switzerland to provide localised cybersecurity services “tailored to the needs of the region”. Robert Bornträger, division CEO SIX global IT, says IBM is a “logical partner” […]

Nordea Bank Russia takes a risk on Wolters Kluwer OneSumX

Wolters Kluwer’s OneSumX risk and management information systems (MIS) reporting solutions will be implemented at Nordea Bank Russia (NBR). The MIS solution is part of the firm’s business analytics offering. OneSumX is designed to manage finance, risk and compliance and “improve organisational efficiency and profitability”. NBR will specifically use OneSumX risk management for asset and […]

Will the CFPB’s Proposed Six-Month Effective Date Extension Be Enough?

In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the CFPB proposed pushing back the effective date of the final prepaid accounts rule to April 1, 2018. The six-month delay provides industry participants more time to handle the difficulties of complying with certain provisions of the rule and for the CFPB to assess whether any additional adjustments to the rule are appropriate. Comments are due by April 5, 2017.

CFPB Stares down another D.C. Challenge

House bill 1009 would require the CFPB and other independent federal agencies to submit regulations annually to a White House office for review, in the latest push to reform the CFPB and otherwise reduce regulatory burdens for the financial and payments industry under the Trump administration.

IBM unveils blockchain-based digital identity network

IBM and SecureKey Technologies are working together to enable a new digital identity and attribute sharing network based on IBM Blockchain. When launched later this year, consumers can use the network to verify their identity for services such as new bank accounts, driver’s licences or utilities. IBM’s Blockchain service is built on top of the […]

Wells Fargo Faces New Pressure from Top Democrat over Fake Accounts

The top Democrat on the U.S. House Financial Services Committee wants to interview executives from Wells Fargo over a scandal about fake accounts its employees set up for customers. Last year, the CFPB announced a $100 million fine against Wells Fargo for what the agency called “widespread unlawful sales practices.” The agency said the fine was the largest such penalty it has ever issued.

UK’s Financial Conduct Authority calls for greater responsibility

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has set out its plan for improved banking standards and financial services with its new “Senior Managers and Certification Regime”. In a speech “Culture in financial institutions: it’s everywhere and nowhere” delivered today (16 March) by Andrew Bailey, FCA chief executive, to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) Annual […]

CFPB Proposes Delay, Potential Tweaks on Prepaid Rule

Prepaid stakeholders scrambling to meet the Oct. 1, 2017, effective date for the CFPB’s final rule on prepaid accounts can take a breath. The CFPB has proposed delaying the effective date by six months—and has signaled it might be open to tweaking some aspects of the rule.

UK and Japan regulators partner for innovation

The Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA) and the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have exchanged letters on a co-operation framework to support fintech companies. This deal will provide a regulatory referral system for “innovator businesses” from Japan and the UK seeking to enter the other’s market. The authority that receives such a referral will […]

What Will Happen to the CFPB?

Republicans have never liked the agency, but so far, their efforts to reform it and reduce its power—or eliminate it altogether—have appeared scattershot. Echoing what a former Secretary of Defense once said: Here’s what we know and what we know we don’t know about the bureau’s future.

LendIt USA: the British are coming

Fintech is developing a distinctly British accent and the US is in danger of losing out, according to remarks made by Congressman Patrick McHenry, a member of the House Financial Services Committee, at the LendIt USA conference in New York.

Silvergate Bank overhauls front-to-back office tech with FIS

California’s Silvergate Bank has implemented a suite of systems from FIS in a major tech overhaul – from a new core banking system to branch, digital and mobile banking, compliance and risk. The new core banking platform – FIS’s Horizon – will let the bank “streamline” its third party systems, such as account opening and […]

Must-Reads of the Month: February

See what’s hot on this month, including Global Cash Card’s win against onerous payroll card regulations in New York; the CFPB fending off attacks on multiple fronts; a new Blackhawk same-day rebates program; and more.

APRA’s EFS Form Review consultation: first stage of a long road

On 16 January 2017, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) released for public consultation its Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) Form Review. Notably, this consultation package represents a major overhaul of many of the financial and statistical returns currently prepared by the Australian authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) as well as introducing a new set of returns to be submitted. We examine what’s at stake.

Swift’s KYC registers right notes with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

A number of banks in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have signed up to use Swift’s Know Your Customer (KYC) Registry, a centralised repository that maintains a standardised set of information about correspondent banks, funds distributors and custodians required for due diligence processes. In both deals, Swift worked with its business partner in the Central Asia region, […]

CFPB Seeks Help in Tackling Thin-, No-File Challenge

In a Feb. 16 field hearing, the CFPB said it wants industry input on using alternative data to help thin- or no-file consumers build credit scores. It’s a challenge that many in the prepaid industry have been trying to solve for years to better serve cardholders who often are among the approximately 26 million U.S. consumers who don’t have a credit history and another 19 million consumers whose credit histories are insufficient to produce a credit score, according to CFPB estimates.

White House: CFPB Exempt from ‘1 In, 2 Out’ Rule

The CFPB is not required to comply with President Trump’s executive order limiting new regulations, according to a memorandum from The White House. Trump’s order—which requires covered agencies to repeal two regulations for every one new regulation adopted—does not apply to the CFPB, which is considered an independent agency.

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