
Infographics: the new £1 coin

It’s infographics time! This nifty infographics, created by Mastercard, outlines some interesting facts and figures about the new £1 coin, compared to the old one (introduced back in 1983).

The UK gets new coins, but why?

As of March this year, UK’s one-pound, two-pound and 50p coins have all been upgraded to become “the most secure coins in the world”. However, with the rise in cashless payments, online transactions and mobile banking, is there any point?

US chip and PIN card roll-out – let’s shorten the time to process; where do I sign!

From a technology perspective, the family home has decided to rush headlong into the 21st century. When our home was built we thought we were being extremely progressive in having a Panasonic “4 lines, 10 extensions, PBX” installed with separate lines for my wife and myself and then a line for business and yes, one dedicated line for the fax machine. Cool… but fast forward a decade and a half and with the home up for sale, we were politely advised to take out all those handsets and close the door on the PBX.

All that glitters isn’t just our clothes!

When I first started travelling for my job, it wasn’t too afield. I was working in Australia so it involved trips to New Zealand, Singapore and not much more. However, in only a few years, my travel grew to where it became routine to visit the US, Germany and the UK, but with the aircraft […]

With the acceleration of time, will we run out of cash?

“Youth is wasted on the young,” so said George Bernard Shaw. Only recently I read that this wasn’t exactly the quote he gave. To the question of what is the most beautiful thing, the Irishman responded: “Youth is the most beautiful thing in this world—and what a pity that it has to be wasted on […]

Polymer notes pose £45m problem for UK cash machines

High street banks in the UK will need to replace or upgrade thousands of cash machines at a cost of £45 million because they cannot grip the new “slippery” plastic notes, according to Bloomberg. Polymer notes are to be brought into circulation this year by the Bank of England, and the banknotes stay cleaner, are […]

Cash is still king but “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown!”

Even as I am prepping for my next industry event, observations from the last conference I attended continue to permeate my thoughts. The ATMIA US Conference that was held in New Orleans only recently and yet, three items continue to have me thinking about the durability, indeed longevity, of some of the points raised. In […]

What will the future of money look like?

Cash payments are in decline – mobile payments are on the rise (thank you, Apple Pay, Google’s Android Pay and Samsung Pay). This nifty infographics sums up the ideas on what the future of money might look like. The infographics is courtesy of the MBNA credit card company (owned by Bank of America) and its […]

Cash is here to stay – for the next 300 years anyway

Reports of the death of cash have dominated the 2015 news agenda. A variety of industry developments – from the launch of Apple Pay through to a Danish proposal to end the obligation of retailers to accept cash – work together to imply that paper notes and coins could soon lose relevance. All this is underpinned by apparently irrefutable stats from the Payments Council which reveal that cashless transactions have now overtaken the use of cash in the UK

Europol: cash is still king – for criminals

More than 30% of all suspicious transaction reports in the European Union are triggered by the use of cash, according to Europol, with the €500 note – not widely used for payments – still in demand.

The changing face of payments

The Payments Council’s latest report, The Way We Pay, shows rapid changes in use of payment methods over the past decade – but cash is still in the mix.

War on Cash making slow progress in Europe

While card payments continue to grow – up by 10% in 2011 – the use of cash is still growing “at a more than healthy pace”, says the latest edition of the European Payment Cards Yearbook. The use of cards to withdraw cash at automated teller machines was also up – with 17.3% more ATMs issuing 2% more cash during the year.

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