Understanding FinTech
The course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview for people either working in or interested in innovating in this space creating products and access to services supported by technology. Critical thinking is encouraged whilst the latest developments are shared and discussed.
The course will also cover blockchain, digital signatures and cryptocurrencies and the underlying mechanisms. In order to understand the workings, we breakdown the digital ledger technology into its hashes and blocks before chaining them together to the block chain. Comparing Bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies is also addressed.
After the course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the importance of FinTech in the wider industry
- Identify areas where FinTech will revolutionise banking and finance industry
- Spot processes that can be enabled by digitalisation
- Identify the threats FinTech poses to the incumbent banking and financial industries
- Appreciate the changes required in trading and sales operations
- Spot business development opportunities
- Explain blockchains, digital signatures and cryptocurrencies and the future of currency
- Explain the possibility of currencies existing without the involvement of a central bank
- Appreciate how a cryptographic hash works (SHA-256)
- Identify the risks and limitations of Digital Ledger Technology (DLT)
- Understand the different cryptocurrencies
- Identify already existing threats from non-banks
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