Amazon Web Services to certify fintech firms
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched Financial Services Competency to certify its partners that specialise in the financial services space.
The certification is open to any partner company of Amazon that focuses on financial technology.
Among recently certified companies are:
- Mambu, a cloud-based core banking software provider;
- Sopra Steria, a financial services/banking software vendor;
- FICO, a data analytics company;
- Avoka, a digital banking and customer experience software vendor;
- Corezoid, a cloud-based core banking tech provider;
- Capgemini.
According to Amazon, more than 10,000 new partners have joined its partner network over the past 12 months.
AWS runs its own marketplace for start-ups to directly sell their apps to business customers. It claims to have 3,500 software components available from over 1,100 companies, and nearly 100,000 active customers.