Stephen Lancaster appointed CEO at GB Bank
Middlesbrough-based challenger GB Bank has appointed its co-founder Stephen Lancaster as CEO.
Lancaster has more than 30 years’ worth of experience across various industries and sectors, with a particular focus on fintech.
He is the former CEO of Cascade, leading the build and launch of its cloud-native platform.
In the new role, Lancaster will be responsible for the strategic leadership and direction of GB Bank with a focus on the bank’s mobilisation and fundraising, alongside people, financial and risk management.
His appointment has now been formally confirmed by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) with consent from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
GB Bank is currently authorised with restrictions by the PRA, meaning it is not open to trade. Lancaster will be leading the bank towards starting operations in Q3 2022.
The new bank plans to offer bespoke lending products to SMEs and property developers and offer incentives for sustainable and zero-carbon developments and rewards for developers creating local employment opportunities.