White paper: Data’s evolution in the cloud – financial services’ long-time data advantage
Data powers transactions in modern financial services, but the smooth and speedy processing that most companies hope to achieve is often impeded by data that is siloed away in legacy systems and in product or service-specific applications.
How are this and other factors affecting the evolution of data in the financial services industry? That’s the topic of new research by The Economist, in which industry executives were surveyed to learn about their attitudes, progress, and aspirations for leveraging data.
Download this free white paper, Financial Services’ Long-Time Data Advantage, to:
- Benchmark your own data practices and priorities against those of other financial services organisations.
- Discover what data sources are considered the biggest competitive advantages, as ranked by your peers.
- Learn how other executives plan to enhance their data capabilities over the next three years.
Please contact the FinTech Futures team to get this free white paper.
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