McKenna to head standards at Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation
Karla McKenna has been named head of standards at the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation on a year’s secondment from Citi, where she is director of market practice and standards.
McKenna (right), a well-known specialist in the area of financial services standards, will be responsible for the “development and implementation of GLEIF standards and leveraging international standards to maximize data quality and the operational integrity of the Global LEI System”.
The LEI is based on the ISO 17442 standard. The GLEIS is intended to provide unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions internationally. GLEIF is the non-profit operational arm of the system.
As well as her role at Citi, McKenna is a member of the board and executive committee of Accredited Standards Committee X9 (ASC X9) and the Board of the International Securities Association for Institutional Trade Communication (ISITC). She also chairs the ISO Technical Committee 68 (ISO/TC 68), financial services, which developed the ISO 17442 standard, and the Securities Market Practice Group.
“A robust global system of unique LEIs is an important foundational element to a more durable, efficient and effective infrastructure for international trade and financial markets. Citi is pleased to continue its support for this initiative through the contributions of Karla McKenna, an experienced executive with deep expertise in the development and implementation of such international standards,” said John Davidson, Citi’s chief compliance officer.