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Amazon Web Services

AWS goes on GuardDuty for cloud security

While Amazon Web Services (AWS) is considered the undisputed leader in public cloud services, the company continues to make improvements to its platform. Security is now the next step, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister publication). At its re:Invent 2017 customer showcase in Las Vegas this week, AWS unveiled its new security service called […]

Amazon launches private cloud connection service

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is launching the PrivateLink private network service to allow Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) developers to provide private endpoints to users, increasing security for enterprises by eliminating the need to expose data to the public internet, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister publication). AWS PrivateLink also connects services across multiple accounts and virtual […]

Amazon brings machine learning to “everyday developers”

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is looking to bring machine learning (ML) to ordinary developers, launching the SageMaker service to simplify building applications, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister publication). ML is too complicated for ordinary developers, AWS CEO Andy Jassy said at a keynote during the AWS re:Invent event. “If you want to enable most […]

Amazon closes cloud performance gap with “bare metal instances”

Amazon Web Services (AWS) kicked off its annual re:Invent conference with a new service designed to make its cloud more competitive to enterprise IT in performance and security, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister publication). EC2 Bare Metal Instances gives enterprises the “best of both worlds,” Peter DeSantis, AWS VP of global infrastructure, said, […]

VMware and Amazon grow hybrid cloud tie-up

VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are expanding their hybrid cloud partnership to run VMware workloads at “very large scale” on AWS, a VMware executive says. VMware is launching new tools for migrating and scaling production applications to AWS, as well as business continuity and disaster recovery services, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister […]

AWS and VMware vs Cisco and Google: a cloud fight worth watching

At one time in the not-so-distant past, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco, Google and VMware all competed against each other in the cloud market space. While AWS and Google succeeded with their cloud ambitions, Cisco, with its Intercloud platform, and VMware, with vCloud Air, failed to gain much traction Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister […]

Microsoft and AWS buddy up to democratise machine learning

Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have teamed up to launch an open-source, deep learning library called Gluon which will make machine learning (ML) more accessible to a wider range of developers, reports (Banking Technology’s sister publication). That will be the key to winning the machine learning race. Not making the most complex and […]

AWS beefs up security with new bouncer named Macie

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched a new machine learning-based security service, which it claims will help customers identify anomalies inside their network, reports (Banking Technology‘s sister publication). The launch comes only a month after its S3 storage hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons, as Verizon customer data was left on an […]

AWS commands corner over cloud market

Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to dominate the worldwide cloud infrastructure services market with nearly $1.2 billion in revenue growth over the past four quarters, reports Light Reading (Banking Technology’s sister publication). Overall, hyperscale cloud providers are maintaining their lead position in the cloud market – which has steadily grown over 40% each year, according to […]

Voice is a natural step in the technology evolution – Amazon

If there is any doubt in which direction the technology world will head next, its being brushed aside by Amazon Web Services (AWS); voice is the natural progression. (Banking Technology‘s sister publication) reports. Speaking at TechXLR8 in London, David Low, “principal evangelist” at Amazon Alexa EU, highlighted that the voice user interface will be […]

Cash cloud – AWS, Google and Azure are smashing it

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google and Microsoft Azure have all reported healthy growth figures, with artificial intelligence (AI) forming the central role in the future of the platforms, reports (Banking Technology‘s sister publication). Current market leader AWS has demonstrated another quarter of exceptional growth, though it is slowing ever so slightly. Let’s be clear, […]

Ancoa delivers AWS hosted market surveillance platform to Convergex

US-based brokerage services provider Convergex has implemented Ancoa’s market surveillance platform to monitor all trading activity across its domestic and international cash equities and options businesses. It also monitors trading activity of “all lit and dark venues” including Millennium, Convergex’s proprietary applicant tracking system (ATS). The cloud-based deployment is running on Amazon Web Services (AWS), […]

AWS data centre launch implies all is not well following Brexit

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced a new availability zone in London which indicates all is not well in the UK following Brexit, reports Jamie Davies at The new data centre creates the 16th availability zone worldwide for the public cloud leader, and is the first available in the UK. To date, customers in the […]

BBVA favours Amazon Web Services for cloud drive

BBVA has reached a global agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as it looks to cloud computing to boost its digital banking services. The agreement, which is part of a series of accords that the group is making with providers, turns AWS into its “preferred” cloud infrastructure services provider. AWS will execute the migration of […]

DBS heads to cloud with Amazon Web Services

Singapore-based DBS Bank has signed an agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to use its cloud technology. The bank envisages shifting up to 50% of its computer workload to cloud within a two-year period. With this deal, DBS will create a hybrid cloud environment “optimised” for rapid changes of capacity and functionality, which is “complementary” […]

DTCC’s Avox adopts Amazon Web Services cloud

Avox Data Services, a provider of legal entity reference data and a subsidiary of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), has migrated its data servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The move is part of a company-wide initiative to implement new technologies to “increase scalability, further enhance the security of the data and reduce […]

Amazon Web Services outage causes digital banking problems in Australia

A technical outage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud this weekend left many customers of Australian banks unable to use cards, ATMs and Eftpos terminals. The banks affected include Westpac, ME Bank and Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). Some also pointed the finger of blame at payment providers such as First Data. Just a […]

Dutch regulator okays Amazon Web Services for financial sector

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), the Netherlands’ national banking regulator, has cleared Amazon Web Services for use in the country’s financial sector, clarifying key supervision criteria for Dutch organisations looking to move infrastructure or services to the AWS cloud.