Alicia key to Tieto’s AI leadership team
Tieto says it is the first Nordic company to appoint artificial intelligence (AI) to the leadership team of a new data-driven businesses unit.
The AI, called Alicia T, will help the management team to become “truly data-driven”; assist with unspecified “innovative ways”; and possess the capacity to cast votes.
Ari Järvelä, head of data-driven businesses at Tieto, says Alicia T will help it in “finding information and making data-based decisions that humans don’t necessarily think of – and thus perhaps create something yet unforeseen”.
It is equipped with a conversational interface system so it is possible have a discussion with it and ask questions “about anything”. In its current form, Tieto says the AI is a basic construction that will continue to evolve in both form and data capacity.
The AI has been built by developers at Tieto’s data-driven business unit on top of its start-up team’s M2M robotics system and chassis.
Tieto is using this experiment to test technologies related to conversational interface, as conversational engines like Apple’s personal assistant Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana “lead the way in natural language processing, which will eventually be used in enterprise-grade services as well”.